
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Slow Stitching Sunday - Progress At Last

We've been hanging out with family since Thursday.  The sewing machine doesn't fit real well on the couch, so the embroidery gets pulled out for "visitation" time.  We did a lot of visiting, so I made a lot of progress on the Embroidered Medallion Quilt.

Not the best picture, but I didn't have a lot of choice on the lighting.  The last time there was a post on this project was at the end of September.  I had not worked on in it much since then, so most of what's shown has been stitched over this weekend.  I always forget how enjoyable and relaxing embroidery is.  I really should find a way to work more in during a typical week, like maybe on those evenings the sewing room is just too far to walk to. 

I'm linking up with Kathy's Quilts this week.  Grab a cup of coffee and check out all the amazing hand crafting posted there. 


  1. Love those greens, Kate! You are funny, your sewing machine didn't fit on the couch :)

  2. I like to have projects that I can do while Im sofa surfing. I dont feel so guilty then.

    Pop this in a basket by the chair in your lounge and it'll be finished in no time!

  3. I love embroidery but find I prefer to do it in daylight or under good lighting! A sign of getting older, I think!

  4. Handwork is much more social than machine work, it is nice to have some of both ready for whatever occasion arises.

  5. listed two of the best benefits of hand stitching...the chance to socialize with family and friends, and the added benefit of the relaxation therapy! Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!


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