
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Rainbow Scrap Challenge-Back in Black

I've eaten, I've stitched, today I'll shop.  Not a bad Thanksgiving weekend.  My Guy's flight got in right on time last Wednesday, so he did make it home to celebrate Thanksgiving with the rest of us.  He's back on the road Monday for another week, so I'm enjoying his company while I can. 

This is the last Saturday in November, so it's the last chance for "shades of gray" blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  Block three using that color scheme was finished last week. 

Block pattern from Janet McCarroll
publised in Block Magic Too
by Nancy Johnson-Srebro

The bright colors in the print really help keep the black from looking too dark up on the design wall.  I've always loved this fabric, I have yards of it left just waiting for a special project.  I should audition it as a border for this quilt.  I still need 6 cups to finish out the layout I had planned.  I've picked out the fabric for those and actually have one almost assembled.  I hope to finish those up this month, then spend December assembling the top. 

I've already been scheming for next year's challenge.  I've got a couple of ideas I'm playing with.  One is this project. 

This is a real rough layout, but the basic idea is there. This butterfly block has been on my bucket list for years.  I've also been playing with the idea of doing houses and or hot air balloons (also blocks that are on my bucket list), but haven't done any playing in EQ with those two motifs.  There's still time to pick one and change my mind a few times.

Check out all the other cool uses for the color gray over at Soscrappy


  1. I love the fabric in your coffee mug, too!
    The rainbow butterfly quilt is a good idea for next year. I, too, am thinking of quilt ideas for next year's rainbow scrap challenge. They are along the same like as your butterfly quilt idea. Houses, cups, 16 patch, etc.

  2. Love that mug! And the bright flowers in it would make a great border - there's lots of bright in the blocks.

  3. Glad to hear you got some good family time. The coffee cup fabric is lovely! That butterfly block is very cute!

  4. Oooh Im loving your idea for a butterfly quilt. Pretty!

    I wish we had Thanksgiving here - I feel very sorry for myself when I hear about the good times you all have celebrating yours. Giving thanks is a brilliant idea and should be universal.

  5. I can definitely see why you love that print -- it's gorgeous!! And I adore your butterfly layout! Glad you had your family intact for Thanksgiving ... enjoy the remainder of your time together!! :)

  6. Love your pretty mug and the butterfly idea looks like a winner. I hope to do the challenge next year with a particular block too, I've so enjoyed seeing what others have done this year.

  7. Great mug. I love the idea of the butterfly for next year. I have been looking and keeping my eyes open for new ideas.

  8. I like all of your ideas. The butterflies lend themselves perfectly to rainbow scraps, but hot air balloons would be a lot of fun as well. The best part of finishing one project is planning for what comes next.


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