
Monday, November 19, 2012

Design Wall Monday - November 19th

It was a quiet weekend around our place.  My Guy is off in Wyoming until Wednesday, so Drama Teen and I were on our own all weekend.  She's fully recovered from her round with the stomach bug, so it will be back to school for her today.  This is the only day I'll work this week as I'm taking a couple of vacation days in advance of the holiday, mainly because if I don't take them I'll loose them.  I'm sure I'll find lots to do around the house between baking, starting prep for the next holiday and hopefully a bit of sewing. 

The sewing room got some much needed attention on Saturday.  I reorganized a few areas and put away a few things.  Some sewing happened too.  The center section of Evening Star is now about three quarters of the way done.

The right most section is now up on the wall waiting to be sewn together.  It should go together fairly quickly.

I picked out the fabric for the last 6 cups for the Scrappy Coffee Cups project, but didn't think to take a picture of them.  I hope to work on some of those while I'm off work this week.

That's it for my design wall this week.  Check out Patchwork Times to see what's up on design walls everywhere. 

Safe travels to those in the US who are traveling to see family this week and have a happy Thanksgiving.        


  1. The evening star is looking great. Can't wait to see the final coffee cups. have a good week.

  2. I hope you have a pleasant few days off from work. Evening star is looking really good.

  3. Glad to hear DT has fully recovered. The star is looking really good. Enjoy that lovely break from work.

  4. The Evening Star looks great! I love how it's coming together! And can't wait to see the coffee cups. :)


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