
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - November 20th

My Thanksgiving holiday starts a little early since I'm on vacation today and tomorrow.  I hope that translates to a bit of sewing, but I have a lot of errands and other things that also need to get done today. 

The last week was a pretty dismal one in terms of finding 15 minutes to sew.  Actually that's not quite accurate, it was finding the time and the energy at that same time.  Last week was really busy with the start of club volleyball and getting stuff prepped for the Lean Team weigh in.  Monday was spent printing off the T-shirt transfers and ironing them on the shirts. 

The team liked them, so I guess they turned out OK. (Keep in mind that I work in an R&D organization with a lot of PhDs.  We are a skewed crew to say the least). 

I'm stalling.  Here's this week's report.

Only 3 days with any quilt related sewing going on.  I debated on counting the T-shirt work, but I set the 15 minute challenge up to help me focus on making progress on my quilts, so that activity just didn't fit.  

We'll be spending a lot of time with family next week.  But I hope to get a lot of hand work done during that time.  It's easy to talk and stitch. 

How did you do this week?  What are your plans for next week?  Link up and share how things are going. 

For those in the US, have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Be safe, enjoy your family time and hopefully some extra time to make a few stitches here and there. 

1. Kate
2. Thea
3. Lesley
4. libbyQ
5. Amanda

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  1. At this time of year, it's difficult to find the time for hobbies. Enjoy your vacation days - I hope you find some stitching time!

  2. Three out of five isn't bad! You're making great progress on the Evening Star, and there's nothing wrong with being too tired!

  3. Lean team? do tell. Three of seven is all I could muster this week too. Enjoy your time off.

  4. I love your Lean Team Challenge. Not much sewing the last few days at this end either. I'm hoping to get some done today.

  5. The T-shirts are fabulous! Give yourself a've got a lot of things going on! Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a grand time with the family!

  6. Too much other stuff going on here to get a huge amount of quilting done. But if you include the T-shirts I think you did pretty well.

    Are you one of the PhD people Kate?

    My next couple of weekends are going to be taken up with making a table...lets all keep our fingers crossed that its going to turn out like the vision in my head!

  7. you made good use of your weekend time and hopefully it will work out that you get a little extra in on these days off.
    i hope to take advantage of some talking time for stitching too~! probably mending some more socks . . .



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