
Monday, October 15, 2012

Design Wall Monday - October 15th

Weekends always seem so short.  With My Guy out of commission due to the lingering effects of what we think is an episode with food poisoning, I had to complete a few household duties which typically fall to him.  He seems to much better this morning.  Hopefully he will feel like eating more than just jello today. 

I didn't get a lot of sewing done last week due to some sinus crude that kept me in bed for a couple of days.  The only significant stitching happened Saturday and Sunday evenings.  One more Scrappy Star was added to this month's UFO project.  

Pattern is Folk Art Christmas Stars
by Robyn Pandolph

Plus more HSTs for the Evening Star quilt are up on the design wall.

Pattern from Calico Carriage
Designed by Debbie Maddy

Only 14 more squares to sew and all the HSTs will be done and I can start assembling the quilt.  This one should go together pretty quickly.  Hopefully there will be something more exciting than HSTs up on the design wall next Monday.

I'm still working on making the "B" block for the Sofa Quilt.  No pictures of all those pieces.  No progress on the Grandmother's Choice project.  This week's block is applique, which is not one of my favorite quilting techniques.  I'm still contemplating the options.  Make the block, it is a pretty simple applique, or substitute something else.

That's what's up on my design wall this week.  For more quilty goodness, check out all the other design wall links over at Patchwork Times.   


  1. Kate, I really love the prints you're using for the Scrappy Star project. Are they really scrappy?!? Nicely done!!! :)

  2. Your scrappy starts are sensational! Love those HSTs too. Can't wait to see that assembled. Glad Your Guy is feeling better. Food poisoning is the worst. UGH...literally.

    Hope you find some sew time this week. Happy Monday! :)

  3. Amazing to see all those half square triangles up there. And the stars are super. Hope you can squeeze more sewing time in soon. But, life gets in the way sometimes!

  4. lots of sickness going around ,take care of yourself! love the hst and sounds like you did get a bunch of stuff done!

  5. Some weeks it's not exciting...just moving to the next fun part of the project/life, eh?!?
    I had the same debate going on in my mind about this week's applique block!

  6. Ooooh I am liking those pretty HST's Kate.

    And what is it with weekends that fly by at the speed of light eh?

  7. Don't be too hard on yourself - we all have ebbs and flows in our creativity, our health and busy-ness! At least you are still sewing regularly!

  8. That's a lot of HSTs. Glad to hear your guy is feeling better ..

  9. WOW looks like a lot of progress to me -- especially those lovely blue HST. Your star blocks are coming together nicely too. Glad to hear that your DH didn't have pneumonia, but food poisoning is no picnic either. Take care.


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