
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - October 16th

The Lego catalog arrived yesterday.  Drama Teen promptly scooped it up and wandered off.  A bit later she brings it back and shows me three items she has circled and then says "I'd like any one of these for Christmas."   I can now declare that the holiday shopping season is officially open in this household.   In one way I'm very lucky, even when DT was just a kiddo, she always decided what she was asking Santa for by the end of October. She never once changed her mind. Though that resulted in a few unique challenges, like the year she asked for a robotic tiger she could ride.  There was no changing her mind on that one.  That year, the Santa at the mall wished me lots of luck.  

The holiday season isn't far off.  I'm not gifting any quilts this year, so I'm off the hook in terms of that kind of pressure.  Even so, there will be shopping (thank goodness for the Internet, I do my best shopping at 5 in the morning in my pjs), baking (though My Guy often kicks me out of the kitchen as that's "his thing"), wrapping gifts (DT's been in training, so I'll have help this year) and mailing Christmas cards (I'll design our annual photo card, but I'm having them professionally printed this year).  Hopefully, I'll still manage to find my 15 minutes a day to stitch something.  Do you have a plan for the holidays?  Something you are going to do different this year so you still have some time to sew? 

Now that I've unnerved you with thoughts of the impending holiday season, let's look back at the last week.  I didn't do badly considering I was sick for two days, had a marathon laundry session over the weekend and nursed a sick My Guy on Sunday. 

Four days out of seven isn't bad.  I've really been struggling to get upstairs to the sewing room during the week.  It's been way too easy to just sit in the recliner and nap once I get home from work.  It may be time to shake up the evening routine a bit. 

So how did you do this week in finding 15 minutes to sew, knit, craft, or organize your sewing room (it all counts)?  Use Mr. Linky below to crow about your successes or lament your failures. 

1. Kate
2. Lesley A
3. libbyQ
4. Amanda

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  1. You've done very well!

    I'm not sure I wanted that reminder about Christmas but at least I don't have to think about Thanksgiving in November because we don't have it in Australia!

  2. I love DT. Which three Legos? I always make the Dude choose his Legos by the end of October to get the double VIP points online. So I should probably check the mailbox for the catalog!

  3. Haha! My son-in-law is much the same way about Legos!! He's easy to shop for as well. Luckily, I've never had to fend a request for a ridable robot tiger -- Santa's response to that made me LOL! Once again, I adore the backdrop you've used for your times this week! Is that from the digital scrapbook software?! :)

  4. I don't know what it is about October...but Holiday shopping hit my house also! At least my hubby and I have discussed what we want to gift kiddo with. She's very uncooperative in sharing (in advance) with us what she wants!

  5. holiday shopping will be kept very simple this year. the last few years i've been focusing more and more on simplifying the season and i think i'm getting it figured out.
    i agree with you in regards to shopping online. so much easier than braving crowds of anxious shoppers.

    i missed one day this past week but did really great work on the other six so i'm not feeling bad about it all.

    when i worked i found that i had a hard time fitting in any time for anything so i really admire you for being able to do everything that you do.


  6. Given the week you've had 4 out of 7 is pretty impressive. Go you! I managed two out of 7 which is two more than Ive managed any week out of the last 5 or so .

    We have just decided not to do adult presents for this year . Instead we're doing a secret Santa, where we each get one person to buy for. Im already feeling a lot less stressed out about the holiday season. Christmas is at my house this year !

  7. We've banned my son from Lego, as he makes it and then won't break it up. We have a ship, plane fire station, fire truck and god knows what in various cupboards and until he can let us break them down he isn't getting any more aren't we mean lol. We fell back on new tennis racket for his birthday last week don't know what we will do for Xmas. One of my friends is planning a sewing day in next couple of months so that might be good to get some presses made. But otherwise I will be winging it as usual for Christmas

  8. I love legos and can't wait until my grandkids are really into them. My youngest daughter is good about Christmas and birthdays; she lets me know exactly what she wants and as long as she knows what's going on she doesn't get disappointed. Nice week. I had another week of nothing. I keep talking about planning, but haven't done that, yet.

  9. Bwahh haa haa - our lego catalog came too.... and has disappeared into the abyss that is my Boys' rooms!!!


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