
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Foto Finish - Wet

I've been given permission to forgo any labor today so I can play in my sewing room.  What a nice way to start a weekend.  No big plans for us this weekend.  Considering we were all in bed fairly early last night, I think we all need a "down" weekend.  But before I can head in the direction of the sewing room, a "wet" photo has to be found for today's Foto Finish. 

One thing that continues to amaze me each week as I get ready to write this post is how the week's theme affects what photos catch my eye.  I try not to start with a preconceived notion of what I'll post.  Drama Teen is a swimmer, so I have lots of pool shots.  But is that really the best interpretation of the theme?  If I had not found anything in the files, then I'd definitely have done the obvious, but it's fun to find something unexpected in the files.  

What's more wet than water droplets?  I have no idea what plant this is.  It may be a tulip leaf, but it doesn't have the right color.  At any rate, I really like the droplets.  They look like little crystals sitting there in the sun.  There had been a heavy dew the night before and everything was wet.  The knees of my jeans stayed wet for hours after our morning photo expedition that day.

Now it's time for breakfast and then I'll adjorn to the sewing room.  I'm contemplating staying in my PJs for the day as one way of celebrating Labor Day weekend.  Enjoy your weekend, but do check out the other wet and wonderful shots posted over at Cat Patches


  1. Another great photo -- one which is Far more interesting and original than swimming shots (sorry Drama Teen).

  2. Water droplets are some of my favotite subjects. Wonderful with the pink in the background.

  3. Very nice water droplets! Simple and elegant.

  4. sewing day in your pj's sounds like heaven to me :-) do you tweet? if you do join the labor day sew in this week end #LDSI to report progress, show and tell etc and just to talk quilty talk :-)

  5. excellent shot! I would have thought of my jeans from the photo shoot .. or perhaps a wet head, but i love what you've chosen. so fresh.

    staying in your pjs. that's a great idea and one of my goals for this year. I need to do it but on a day when I don't have he gkids here. just me and my other half.

  6. It's amazing what you can see in a 'simple' water drop! You can almost see the whole galaxy there.

  7. I love shots of things we wouldnt normally notice in our every day lives. There is so much beauty in the ordinary isnt there?


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