
Monday, September 3, 2012

Design Wall Monday - September 3rd

Happy Labor Day if you live in the US, happy Monday if you live elsewhere.  I've done a pretty good job of avoiding labor this weekend.  Other than a few loads of laundry and cleaning off the dining room table, no other housework has been done.  I've spent lots of time in the sewing room this weekend, but not all the time has been spent sewing.  I'm still in the process of organizing all my fabric that was transferred from bins to shelves last December.  So I sew for a bit and then organize for a bit.  Even though I'm far from finished with the organization, just getting the fabric out on shelves has helped a lot with shopping the stash when I want to start something new. 

Speaking of new, there is new project up on the design wall this week.  Barbara Brackman's year long block a week and history discussion of the women's suffrage movement, Grandmother's Choice, started Saturday.  The first block is finished.

Grandmother's Choice
Barbara Brackman BOW

The green background is darker than what I've typically used for a background.  But I like how it came out.  I'm using a fat quarter bundle of Moda's Decadent Victorian for this project.  The other colorway in the line is cream with the purple.  I've not decided if I'll switch back and forth on the background fabric, or if I'll stick with the green. 

The other project that's seen some action this weekend, is the Layer Cake Quilt along project from Moose on the Porch's 2010 BOM.   This is UFO #11 on my list. 

Layer Cake Quilt Along
By Moose on the Porch

Nine of the twelve blocks have been framed.  I'll probably move the blocks around again once all of them are framed and separate the blue blocks a bit.  I've tried out several layouts and nothing seems to work well.  Any suggestions? 

That's what is up on my design walls this week.  I'm linking up with Patchwork Times as usual.  Check out the other labors of love posted there. 


  1. I like your choice of fabrics for the Grandmothers Choice block. Very pretty.

  2. Enjoy the quilt along. I love your fabric choices. Glad you are tackling the UFO, hope having it hang out on the wall helps you decide how to set it.

  3. I love the fabrics you've chosen for your Grandmother's Choice block.

  4. Kate, I love you GC block!! It's going to be such wonderful fun to see these blocks go up. I like the idea of switching back and forth on the background fabrics. I hope you have a great day and week! :)

  5. I love the fabric you chose for the Grandmother's Choice block. A weekly block sounds like a fun project -- but do I need another one?

  6. I love your block. Looks like a good pairing of the old and new.

    I read the post (and am now following). What an interesting topic and way to tie in the blocks. I have to go back and read the earlier posts.

  7. I have been thinking of starting the Grandmother choice. I have printed off the sizes to cut for a 8" block. I just have to think. Love yours.

  8. I LOVE the fabrics you've chosen for the Grandmother's Choice. That floral is gorgeous! I think I like the idea of alternating the colours between the green and cream backgrounds.

  9. Two very trciky projects there Kate (lots of pieces to line up in both of them !)

    They're both looking lovely. Im thinking that Grandmother's Choice is going to look wonderfully antiquey if the first block is any indication!


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