
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Foto Finish Substitute - What's on the SD Card?

It's Saturday, so of course we're headed to another swim meet.  To be fair, this is the first weekend in June we've had to head out early to someplace special.  Still, it means that my writing time this morning is compressed.  We'll see if I end up with anything worth posting before we have to head out. 

As Cat Patches is still in recovery mode from her Ireland trip, Foto Finish is on hiatus till July (or maybe next weekend, I can't remember).  So I've been looking for alternate subjects to cover on the Saturday post.  Have you ever gone back and analyzed what you take pictures of in the course of a month?  While looking for a subject for this post I did. 

There are 11 pictures of my new point and shoot camera, 21 pictures of my fabric stash, 31 pictures of my quilts in progress, 16 pictures of just "stuff", like my favorite cold concotion from Jude's, a Truely Latte.

There are 5 pictures of DT and/or My Guy, 62 pictures of quilts from the Tulsa Quilt show, 6 pictures of what came home with me from the quilt show, plus 29 pictures of Scissortail babies My Guy took with my camera because he forgot his. 

There are no pictures of flowers in the file, which is odd.  There are  always pictures of flowers.  I'm pretty sure there are pictures of some Black Eyed Susans on the Compact Flash card in the Canon, but those haven't been downloaded yet. 

Well, it's time to finish loading up and heading out to a morning of watching Drama Teen swim.  Have a great Saturday. 


  1. It is interesting to look back and see what we have taken photos of - and also realize the photo ops we miss!

  2. Sounds like a pretty varied month !

    Most of my shots are quilt or food related. I rarely step out the door with the camera.


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