
Friday, June 22, 2012

Favorite Things Friday - Just for Fun

Yeah for Friday!  Today is a down day for me and My Guy as we've taken the day off.  Mainly because we can and partly becuase My Guy said he'd rather take vacation when it was nice rather than save it all for December when he has to take it or lose it.  We do have a busy weekend planned, so having a calm, quite morning is nice.  So that's one favorite thing. 

One of the fun things, though sometimes challenging, things in life is having a child.  Espeically now that she's old enough to be semi-independent.  We are finding that 13 is an interesting age.  In a lot of ways she's still a kid.

Kind of looks like Alice having tea with the Mad Hatter don't you think?  (Does that make me the Mad Hatter as I was the one sitting across from her? Hmmm?). 

On the other hand she can be an engaging and witty young woman.

Then she goes off on one of her adventures and brings home this

and promptly names him Snowball (it's that kid thing again).  He's so ugly, he's cute .  Unfortuantely the Drama Teen was unwilling to pose with him knowing that I was planning to post the picture (she was back in young woman mode).   So my other favorite thing this week is having a 13 year old who can still appreciate things like Snowball. 

Have a great weekend.  I'm linking up with Shay and her Favorite Things Friday over at Quilting in My Pyjamas.    


  1. Drama Queen is a cutie - ah yes, I remember those days when my kids first hit teenagehood. Snowball is cute too.

  2. Isn't it funny how they can be so grown up on the one hand and so child-like on the other. I think snowball is pretty cute.

  3. It is indeed an interesting age - but you haven't even boarded the roller coaster yet!

  4. She's a beauty. They grow up far too fast.

  5. A bonus day off is an awesome thing indeed. Im having one of those in a couple of weeks.

    13 is definitely an age where they skip between being a teen and reverting occasionally to "kid". I like the flashing between stages. It ends all too soon!

    I think Snowball is cute without any trace of ugliness. But DT is cuter!


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