
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Foto Finish Substitute - The First Digital

Foto Finish is on a travel break for the month of June as Cat Patches is headed to Ireland.  That leaves me with a hole to fill on the Saturday blog post.  After a bit of contemplation, I've decided to use June to look back at my history with digital photography and pull out a few of those old Cd's to see what's on them and share a few of those early images. 

My first digital camera was a point and shoot that showed up under the Christmas tree in 2001.

A Canon Power Shot G2 with 4.0 mega pixels.  My newest point and shoot has about 4 times the number of mega pixels.  This old friend is heavy, I was surprised when I pulled it out of the closet at how much heft it had.  I carted this around until it's replacement arrived on Mother's Day 2006. 

So what were the first digital images? 

I'm a parent, so of course the first image has to be of the Kiddo (aka Drama Teen).  She was 2, sitting in Grandpa's chair watching TV.  This is probably the last picture where you will see her in pink, it's not one of her favorite colors. 

Of course I had to go buy some flowers at the grocery store to see how well it worked in macro mode in low light. 

To be honest it didn't work great, this image had to be adjusted in Photoshop.  However,  as I have to do that often now, it's not all the camera's fault. 

One of the issues I still struggle with when using a digital point and shoot is getting it to auto focus on the right part of the subject.  The stems look great, the roses are a little fuzzy.  Still I like this image.  

The G2 was a fun little camera.  It was amazing to be able to take a photograph and not have to wait till you got the film developed to see your pictures.  You can check if you got the shot and reshoot if necessary (a great thing with a 2 year old).  Though I think with the digital point and shoots it's way to easy to do just that; point and shoot before you engage your brain.  It's easy to overlook composition issues. I did that this morning when I took the picture of the G2, I focused on how the light hit the camera and had taken about 3 shots before I realized the "Canon" on the lens cap was upside down. 

I get my family back tonight, they should be loading up and hitting the road for the long drive home.  No laundry for today, but I'll loads tomorrow.  Time to get in a bit sewing before that.  Have a great weekend.


  1. What a fun topic to write about.

    My point and shoot camera eats batteries. I put brand new Well Known Brand long-life batteries in my camera on Thursday, took a small number of photos, downloaded them to my computer (or is that uploaded?) and when I turned on my camera on Friday I was told the batteries were flat!

    Enjoy having your family home.

  2. I love this post, Kate. Great ad lib! My first camera was a Canon Powershot too. (Actually, my first camera was a Kodak Brownie, but I won't go there.). My Powershot was a couple of generations later.

  3. My first digital was a canon too. It disappeared during a bad time at my house. very sad. I've never focused on composition issues so it doesn't really matter what kind of camera I have. I think Canon with appreciate that you took the time to fix the Canon on the lens cap.

    Enjoy your last day!

  4. Since getting my upgrade earlier this year, I am amazed that I dealt with my old point and shoot for so long! I am really enjoying my new camera and taking pictures with it and enjoying your picture posts! :)

  5. We got our first digital camera in 2005, and just upgraded last year. Im still doing the point and shot thing but my new camera is much more intuitive and takes way better shots.


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