
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - May 1st

I've come to really enjoy the first of the month.  There is so much to look forward to.  So Scrappy has posted yellow as the scrap color for May.  So it's time to find 2 or 3 yellow scraps to make a few more coffee cup blocks.  Judy over at Patchwork Times has drawn the #2 as this month's UFO project.  That UFO hasn't been touched since I took the class where it was started in 2005.  Only one block ever got finished, so it will be almost like starting a whole new quilt.  Come to think of it, I've not started anything new since February.  To link up with Cat Patches' NewFO Challenge this month a new project is needed.  Maybe Drama Teen's Jigsaw quilt or the Angel quilt will manage to make it out of the planning stage to the construction stage this month. 

I've been doing much better the last couple of weeks in finding some time to sew.  Last week I managed 7 days, this week only 6 days. 

Still 6 days is pretty good.  I didn't feel like sewing on Wednesday, the fever associated with the sinus crud I had last week pretty much kept me in bed that day.  I'm feeling much better this week. Unfortunately, it may be challenging to get in sewing every night this week.  Drama Teen has a couple of events that may run late.  We'll just have to see if I can still work in my 15 minutes on those  two nights.

How did you do last week?  Were you driven to finish some things up since it was the end of the month or did you just give up and are hoping that May will be better?  Which ever it is, write up a post and link up. 

1. Shay
2. libbyQ
3. Pat
4. Kate
5. June @ QuiltQuest
6. PJ - off Avondale Rd

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  1. Given how ill you felt for a lot of last week I'd say 6 days out of 7 was a pretty good effort!

    It feels great though when the motivation is running along well doesn't it?

  2. I got about an hour in this week - so at least I am heading back into the quilt room. Maybe by next week, I can show more progress!


  3. You did great getting that many sewing days in!! Congrats!! Good luck finishing Mays UFo!!

  4. the beginning of a month does feel like a nice clean new slate doesn't it~!?

    i'm happy that your are feeling better and i agree, six days out of seven is pretty good.

    i managed the same last week. six days. on tuesday i completely forgot~!!~ i'm wondering how that could even happen . . . but it did.

    wishing you a happy may day.

  5. You're wearing me out just reading your projects for May. Hope you're able to find time to work on them.

  6. I think you have done well this past week. I'd be happy with 6 out of 7 days.

  7. You did great with 6 out of 7 days. I've given up on any sewing for the time being. Too chaotic & messy here right now. So I'm enjoying seeing the projects you are doing.

  8. Didn't get a chance to blog or link up this week, I have been keeping up to the challenge though should be back next week . Glad you're feeling better 6 out of 7 is amazing seeings you were so ill.

  9. Good progress! Next week hope you can include links to photos of your projects!

  10. Trying to get some sort of sewing activity in every day. This week I digitized an applique Baltimore Quilt block. Noew to embroider the applique and make it.


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