
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Foto Finish - Flowers

I'm still lap-top-less, which in part explains my absence from blogland.  I was informed Wednesday that the lap top is well and truly dead, not to be resurrected without major surgery involving a new mother board.  A new computer would be cheaper was the verdict.  The only piece of bright news on that front is that they were able to transfer all of my files (including my EQ files) onto a portable drive.  So I'm at least not out my working quilt project files and my stash report tracking spreadsheet.  So it's not as bad as it could have been.  

Barbara over at Cat Patches has suggested flowers as today's optional theme.  Probably my most favorite photographic subject ever (well Drama Teen might have a slight edge there).   What says spring better than tulips and rain?

This was taken the week of Spring Break when we were in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  There were tulips all over town.  However the grounds of the Crescent Hotel had the most dazzling displays.  It was raining when this shot was taken.  I love the rain on the drops on the petals.  Though I will admit, it was a rather wet shooting expedition that day. 

That's it for me on the Foto Finish front.  Unfortunately, I need to go to work.  Due to some changes in the company that I work for, all of my projects for the last year are coming to an end and all the final reports have to written and turned in next week.  That's the other reason I've been a bit scarce this week.  I've been spending my evenings this week working on reports.  Hopefully by next weekend, I'll have those assignments done and can get back to blogging and email. 

Have a great weekend.      


  1. Beautiful tulips, Kate. I agree about the raindrops. Too bad about your computer. We've missed you in blog land.

  2. Great shot, Kate! I'm so sorry to hear about your computer woes. I have total empathy! I think we wrote tandem blog posts this week! :)

  3. Work on a Saturday? That's criminal!

    I adore tulips. I adore red. This photo does it for me on multiple levels.

  4. Beautiful flower! My netbook also suffered the damaged motherboard, and, yeah... No point in replacing a part in a $300 computer. I need to take both my dead laptops to a computer place and see if they can pull everything from the hard drives.

  5. Good news about your files - please back up your Excel spreadsheet for your own sake.

    And a new computer is always exciting!


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