
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Life In Pieces Blogiversary

Today is my first blogiversary!  Wow, it's been a year since I typed a few words in this little window in Blogger and hit the publish button for the first time.  Since then, I've met the most amazingly talented group of women.  Women who quilt, knit, take breathtaking photographs, and are willing each week to share of themselves in their blogs.  Women who have challenged me to become a better quilter, photographer, writer, and person.  Women who have also supported and encouraged me when the getting better part didn't happen.  Thank you.    

So now for the fun stuff, a blogiversary give away.  Just leave a comment on what you like best about writing your blog or reading other blogs.  I'll use a random number generator to select two winners.  Each will get one fat quarter bundle containing 18 Connecting Threads Batik fat quarters. 

Here's a better picture of the fabrics in each bundle. 

I'll run the random number on Monday the 12th and will post the winners on the September 13th's 15 Minute Challenge post.  If you have the 15 Minute Challenge button on your blog, leave me a comment stating that for a second chance to win. 

Thanks for making the first year of Life in Pieces so much fun. 


  1. Congratulations! What a fabulous giveaway! I love the inspiration I get from reading blogs and "meeting" some wonderful quilters. What I love about writing my blog is having a journal of my quilty life. Here's to many more years of blogging!

  2. What I like about blogging is that it lets me see how far I have come and I can keep record of the quilts I have made. I love reading other blogs because I get so many great ideas. The problem with that is that I am addicted to quilting now and that I have to start all the fun projects that I see. Happy blogiversary! Whohoo!

  3. I enjoy looking back at my blog to see what I have accomplished. I love to get feedback from my readers.

  4. I don't blog yet but I love reading other blogs for inspirations and to learn.

    Happy Blogiversary!

  5. Happy Blogiversary!!!!

    I like reading blogs such as yours because they are great inspiration to a newbie quilter. I'm constantly amazed at how much you produce in your 15-minute bits of sewing. I'm striving to get to that point. ☺

    I like to write on my blog, because it helps me center my thoughts. It's cathartic. I also write to keep me accountable to sewing. LOL I have a sewing blog, therefore, I must sew! ☺

  6. Happy Blogiversary!

    I like to blog as a way of journaling what's going on in my part of the world as well as meeting lots of new people who share a common interest.

    I started with the stashbusting reports and that's helped me focus my fabric purchases as well as encourage me to clean out the stash.


  7. Oh... and I do have the 15 minute button on my blog - being involved in that challenge has helped me get into the sewing room and get focused on some daily sewing.

  8. Thank you so much for the giveaway! and Happy Blogiversary! :)

    I'm am very new to crafting/sewing/quilting (or whatever other word you would like to add to that) and because of this I enjoy very much reading blogs. I have learned so much through reading blogs about how-to do things properly that there are days I feel I can sew about anything. :)

    I really appreciate all the blogs out there that provide tutorials and do sewing 101 posts. They have totally helped me on my journey.

    I have yet to participate in any of the sewing contests because I do not feel my skills are at their best, but with a little persistence I just might participate one of these days.

    Additionally, I did start my own blog but I'm not sure what to say or share so the posts have been completely minimal ;)

    Once again, I appreciate the giveaway and have a wonderful blogiversary!

  9. Congrats on your Blog Birthday! I love to read blogs for inspiration :) from color combinations to patterns to tips and tricks other bloggers share freely!

  10. I love to read blogs because I find so much inspiration from all the wonderful works and ideas I see. I started my own blog awhile back. I have not been so good about keeping it updated! I know the time it takes to keep a blog updated and appreciate the efforts all the bloggers out there put into theirs. Thank you for sharing what you are working on with all of us!

  11. sooo pretty! Congrats on the anniversary. I'm glad you were able to spend yesterday on your sewing room!

  12. Happy Blogiversary Kate. It's been a pleasure sharing your blogging journey and I enjoy our emails and chats as well as seeing what creativity you're getting up to.

    Here's to another year of your adventures and to inspiring and supporting each other. Im so glad to have met you!

  13. Congrats on your first anniversary! I love reading others blogs, simply put...for inspirations and ideas! I'm fairly new to blogging, but I've gained some awesome friends from it and hope to add more to my growing list.
    Seems you did a lot of work...this is what I like seeing on the blogs that I visit. Thanks for sharing your work with us! Hugs! Loretta

  14. Congratulations on your first blogiversary. I read blogs for inspiration, and along the way I've made some new friends. I write because it is another creative outlet for me! One day my grandchildren might find my blog and read it and get to know their grandmother just a little better! (This is not a primary reason for writing!! LOL)

  15. Congrats! What a lovely giveaway. I love the people I've met and seeing all their beautiful handwork.

  16. First of: Congrats on 1 year of blogging!
    I love going back and looking at old post and seeing what I made, how I have progressed (or not..). Reading other blogs: there is soo much creativity out there, it just amazes me. And last but not least: the online community amongst quilting bloggers is fantastic!
    Wow and thanks for such a generous giveaway!

  17. Congratulations Kate on one year. I'm so glad you started your blog and I've really enjoyed your photos and and your adventures both creative and trips.
    Looking forward to many more years.

  18. I enjoy reading blogs and the way people share what goes in day to day life.
    Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary.

  19. Congratulations on your first anniversary. You have done a lot in your first year. I think at the end of my first year I was still trying to figure out what a follower was.

    I think my favorite thing about blogging is finding like-minded people. Here in real-life, I have NO friends who blog or even want to read blogs, NO SAHM friends, and most of my local friends who are my age are already grandmothers and so tied up with grandchildren that they have no time for crafts of any kind and I felt very isolated until I started blogging. It's really opened up a new world for me.

  20. Congratulations! I had no idea this was you first year.

    My favorite thing about blogging is meeting other people who live so far from me .. and getting advice and encouragement from these new friends.

  21. Congrats on your 1st year!! I too had no idea that this was just your first. You are a pro! :)

  22. I enjoy reading about women who despite their very busy lives find time to quilt. It gives me hope! LOL! Congrats on your first year, you are fun to read!

  23. Happy first year blogiversary! (love that 'word' :-)

  24. Congratulations on your first blogiversary! I love reading blogs (probably way too much!) because it links me to creative women who are willing to share. I've learned so much from my time in blogland, I'm considering starting my own blog.

  25. Although right now you wouldn't know it from how I have slacked off so much on my blog posts, I find that writing my blog helps me be accountable for actually getting stuff done. Reading other people's blogs helps encourage, inspire and teach me! Thank you all my fellow bloggers.

  26. Happy Blogiversary. What a generous prize! I am new to your blog, but I'd be happy to post your button to my latest post!

  27. I love reading other blogs to see all the eye candy - especailly your purple and yellow quilt. I get inspired to go finish min!

  28. I love visiting blogs for inspiration. Of course, that just causes more projects in my sewing area, lol. I just love the inspiration.

  29. First of all congratulations on your blogoversary!!

    I love to blog for two reasons: 1 it is an easy way to keep a journal of my projects and 2 I get inspiration from other blogs.

  30. Happy Blogiversary, Kate! So glad you decided to jump in. I hope you have enjoyed blogland and will stick around for many blogiversaries to come!

    Words and writing have always brought me happiness so that is one reason I blog. Mostly it is the connection with other wonderful folks in blogland like you that make it easy to continue to share my up, down, and sideways world!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your feedback and ideas. I try dilgently to reply to all comments (It may take me a few days, but I eventually get there). If you are a no reply blogger, I can't reply back. Please check that your settings are set to show your email. Thanks for stopping by!