
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Foto Finish - Things on Four Legs

When I first saw Cat Patches' topic for this week's Foto Finish, no picture came to mind.  Since we have no pets (I'm allergic to animal dander), I wasn't sure my selection of photos of things with four legs would be very extensive.  Thankfully Kiddo has always enjoyed the zoo, so we make the trek in that direction fairly frequently.

His/Her four legs may be short, but these guys can move when they want to.  This one was gracious enough to strike a nice pose for the camera.  

When I saw this week's theme, my thoughts first went to 4 legged animals.  As I was writing this, it came to me that there are other things with four legs, such as chairs, tables, cars (Tires are their legs. OK maybe that one stretches it a bit).  What do you think of first when you hear "things on four legs"? 

Wander over to Cat Patches for more things on four legs. 


  1. I'd have to say our cat, and then other "obvious" animals!

  2. Great lizard shot. I wondered if anyone would come up with tables, chairs, etc.

  3. I would think of animals: dogs, cats, horses, etc. I never would have gone to ...him! Ughhhh!
    Hi, just found your blog and love it regardless to...him! LOL. I am your new follower. Stop by and visit us and become our follower too. We'd love having you there! Luv

  4. He sure is a poser - great shot. Have to admit I only thought of critters and not inanimate objects like tables when I saw the topic.

  5. My first thought is the menagerie that resides at my own house. It's insane here the amount of furry things we feed.

    Your little guy is not cute and furry but is interesting to look at nonetheless. How accommodating of him to strike a pose!

  6. It's an awesome shot!! It looks just like it's posing for you.

  7. OK, now I want to go change my shot to one of a chair! LOL

    The lizard sure does look like he posed for you. :D


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