
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - September 6th

It's Tuesday and I'm off work today.  My Guy and I decided to extend our Labor Day weekend by taking our 19/30 day today.  Since he's leaving for the UK on Sunday for at least 4 weeks, it was either use the day off or lose it.  We've got stuff to do this morning, but I'm hoping to be able to sew some this afternoon. 

Did you get any sewing in over the last week?  I did a fair amount on Saturday with my personal sew-in.  That kinda makes up for the 3 days I didn't spend any time in the sewing room. 

I am counting the time I spent yesterday organizing the sewing room.  It needs some more work, but I at least got rid of all the bins I had been using and got everything moved to shelves or drawers.  I was getting tired of moving all the bins around trying to find my fabric.  So I finally went to Lowes yesterday and bought a new shelving unit for the closet.  Much better.  Now I just need to fold all the fabric neatly so it all stacks nicely.  I'll probably work on that some this afternoon. 

That's my effort for the week.  How did you do last week?  You can count whatever time you what to count, it's all about what you think is important to you in getting the crafty things done that you want to get done.  Here's Mr. Linky, link up and let us know how it went. 


  1. I worked on my Flurry backing thanks to you! Kudos for organizing. That's on my list for this week. Everything's in such a jumble, I can barely walk around in my sewing room. Yikes!

    Happy Tuesday! ☺ Enjoy your day off.

  2. Cleaning your sewing space definitely counts. Because I keep my sewing things set up in the kitchen as well as some stuff in the bedroom and walk-in closet, I have to take time out every couple of days to reorganize. In the mean time, I just keep piling things on.

  3. I have started on the spring clean of my sewing room and former study (now spare bedroom). It'll probaby take a coouple of weeks but I'll get there eventually!
    DDand I have also put thirty QAYG blocks together to make a quilt that just needs binding so I guess I've done okay!

  4. Hope you get your sewing room organized .. having an organized area usually makes me more productive. Right now I don't really have a sewing area .. I have my sewing machine but I can't keep anything out. I need to have a new project to work on.

  5. I'm slow this week. I need to do some organizing as well, although it's not too bad in my sewing room. I still have not made any more progress cutting up scraps.

  6. I've had to move far too many things around in my area lately, too, Kate! Really annoying, actually :) Good work on your organizing and sewing fronts (or backs, as the case may be!)

    Wow, leaving for four weeks--that is a long time. Hope he's stocked the freezer with pre-made meals for you and Kiddo :)


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