
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Foto Finish - Favorite Places

What a weird week!  Earthquake damage on the east coast, hurricane evacuations in New Jersey?   As the east coast braces for Irene, my thoughts and prayers are with those in her path.  We were in Texas for Rita and had close friends who were still living there for Ike. Some folks are in for a very long weekend and then the weeks of clean up after. 

So I feel very fortunate to be land locked here in Oklahoma, with my morning cup of coffee, cruising around blog land and contemplating  Barbara's theme of  "Favorite Places" for this week's Foto Finish.  There are so many great places that we visit, not just vacation destinations, but trips to my Mom's to sit out in the garden and trips to my mother-in-law's to visit the farm.  So it's hard to pick a single favorite place, but I can pick a favorite spot that we always search out no matter where we go.

This is the coffee shop in downtown Ardmore, OK.  It rained one day of our vacation this year, so we spent the afternoon hanging out here, drinking coffee, reading and taking photographs (a pretty idea combo for a rainy afternoon).  Whenever we go someplace My Guy likes to locate the local coffee shops. It often becomes the meet up spot on any trip if My Guy goes off to take photographs and us girls go off to shop.  I like this picture because it shows not only the shop, but the town too.  Coffee shops are definitely one of our favorite places, no matter where they are. 

Stay dry, stay cool, stay safe this weekend.  Once you've managed that, hop over to Cat Patches to check out more favorite spots. 


  1. Where would we be without coffee shops and coffee? Ilike how you can see both the town and the shop. Very effective and interesting.

  2. Love the picture .. and I'm guessing you're not looking for the local Starbucks or Pete's. What a great place!

  3. That is a great shot. I like the open sign reflection in the corner. I have an app on my phone to show me the local starbucks :)

  4. What a great photo! It's almost like being there.

  5. I love the photo and the experience it conveys! Neat!

  6. I love the effect of being able to see buildings in the window reflection. Very cool!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What a great shot of the interior and reflected exterior!

  9. Great reflections - in thoughts & in the photo. :D
    Thanks for sharing Kate!


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