
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Favorite Things Friday

Not quite Friday in my neck of the woods, but getting close.  I'm ready for a weekend.  It's been a long week and I still have to get through Friday.  Why is it that weeks always seem longer when you had the week before off?  It must one of those  weird laws of vacation physics.  Time slows down the week you go back to work to compensate for how fast the week of vacation went.  (This has to be an example of  Newton's Third Law of Motion:  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.)  

Obviously I'm mourning the end of this year's summer vacation.  We took our week off later this year then we have in the recent past.  Vacation was a very relaxed affair this year.  We drove a few hours south to Lake Murray, rented a cabin, and pretty much just hung out for the week. 

My Guy and I got up early one morning and went for a walk along the lake shore.  I love watching the sun come up, it's even better watching it come up over the water.  The light just sparkles and shimmers as it hits the water.  One of my favorite things. 

Last year summer's vacation was in May, just about at early as we could take it.  We flew to Savannah, Georgia.  My Guy wanted to go someplace neither of us had ever been.  Savannah fit that bill. 

We walked all over the town that week.  Savannah is an old city, with gorgeous old buildings and majestic churches.  The sun shining through the stained glass windows in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist brought out the richness of the colors.  Another favorite thing.  

In 2009, we took vacation the last week of July.  The thought being we'd visit the cooler climate of Washington state during what is typically one of the hottest weeks of the year in Oklahoma.  In what can only be termed a cruel joke,  mother nature graced Washington state with record high temps in the 100's, while Oklahoma cooled off to the high 80's.  We ended up staying in Lake Chelan an extra day to avoid the high temps in Seattle.  We spent only one night in Seattle, and that only because our flight was at the un-vacation like hour of 7 AM. 

Even Kiddo's generally genial travel companion, Siberian,  was grouchy that morning.  She cheated at cards and took Kiddo's muffin. Consequently this was Siberian's last gig as a vacation buddy.   So though it was not one of Siberian's favorite things, this photo is one of mine from that trip. 

We've had lots of other fun vacations.  We've been to the Painted Dessert,

which lived up to it's name.  We've visited the Lava River Cave near Bend, Oregon (I'd show a picture, but as it was a black walled cave, all you see is black.)  As Kiddo said at the time, "Who knew lava could be so cool."    

Summer vacation is definitely one of my favorite things.  I wish it wasn't over for this year. 

To check out other favorite things, buzz over to Quilting in My Pyjamas.


  1. Great FTF! I'm always sorry when summer comes to an end .. even though we don't have kids going back to school anymore.

  2. Great Favourite. Vacations are wonderful and you certainly have had some in some spectacular places. I would love seeing the sun come up over the lake. Very special.

  3. Mine are still off school and we have one more week away to come. Yeah! Laid back holidays as a family most certainly must be a favourite thing.

  4. Great favourite! All vacations are a favourite of mine. I don't care what time of year it is.

  5. I love Newton's laws of motion. And I'm jealous you've got a physicist guy.

  6. ack making me pine for summer vacations... what a great FTF! But since it's the last days of winter here at the mo, I think it'll be a while before I get to take mine! :)

  7. I'm with Helsie - any vacation is a good one.
    Can't believe it was that hot when you visited Seattle seems every time I've been that way it has been cold and damp no matter the season.
    Lovely pics to remember summers past.

  8. Love vacations, but anytime of the year will do me.
    It sounds like you've had some great summer vacations in lots of interesting places.

  9. I think it comes under the same laws of physics that make holidays fly past at the speed of sound. I popped over from Shay's Favourite Things Friday to say g'day!

  10. Wish we could find a way to make vacations last longer and workdays fly faster.

  11. The church windows in your Savannah pictures are just gorgeous.

    I love that you get away each year and go somewhere different. For a few years we took our holidays in the middle of winter and made sure we went somewhere warm ...

    I need a holiday!

  12. Looks like you've been on some wonderful vacations! Summer vacations are one of my favorite things too. Note to self: Plan one for next year!

  13. Great pictures, and memories! We haven't had a vacation in years, and we really do need one!

  14. Vacations are definitely on my favs list! I didn't get to take one this year, but that will make the next one even more special. Savannah is one of my all time favorite places! Great photos

  15. Well who wouldn´t love such wonderful times...glad you have a good time together...I´ve been to painted desert...beautiful place..


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