
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stash Report - July 10th

Looks like another hot, hot day here in Oklahoma.  As we were driving out of our neighborhood last night, I noted all the yellow patches in the typically green yards.  It rained last Sunday evening, but it didn't seem to do much good.  The sun has been merciless this July, with no end in sight to the hot, hot temperatures. 

Looking on the bright side, it's too hot to do much of anything outside, so my sewing room is seeing most of the action these days.  Unfortunately my stash report this week doesn't reflect that action. 

Used this week:  0.09 yards
Added this week:  12.5 yards

Used year to date: 39.04 yards
Added year to date: 28.5 yards

Net Used for 2011: 10.54 yards

Fabric Budget:  14 yards for July to September
Bought/Budget:  12.5/14 yards

The fabric out was one block of the purple/yellow quilt.  I finished the Buck-A-Block quilt last week, so it's time to start on something else.   I've pulled out one of my PIGS (Project in Grocery Sacks) and am starting a new project, Flurry by Kate Spain.  Shay over at Quilting in My Pyjamas showed her demo block for this pattern and I couldn't resist, it's just too cute.  Unfortunately both of these projects need fabric cut before I can do much sewing.  So not much out this week.  However, a survey of my Christmas fabric stash showed a lot of holes, so I treated myself to a fabric buying binge as a late birthday present.  Hence the 12.5 yards in this week. 

This is what came home with me.  I'm supplementing with a few pieces from my stash.  I'm still under my fabric budget and still in the black in terms of net fabric out for the year, so no big damage done to the over all stash reduction effort.  Most of this will go right back out as part of the Flurry quilt.

This recent quilt shop excursion also demonstrated the danger of fabric shopping with my family. Kiddo told me a couple weeks back that she wants a new quilt (It's only been a year since she got the last one I made for her).  She told me she wanted to pick the fabrics and the pattern.  While I'm having the above fabric cut, Kiddo remarks,
"Mom you've been doing so well don't blow it." 
"Mom, do you really have room for all of that? "
"You know Mom, I really like that pattern over there." as she points across the shop to one of the shop sample quilts hanging on the wall. 
"I promise to pull all the fabrics from your stash if you'll make that quilt for me." 
"You are going to need to do some significant stash busting after this." 
"If I decided on the fabrics this weekend could you have it made for me before Christmas?"   

In the wake of this so persuasive monologue, I bought the pattern.  It's so nice to have a family that believes in your quilting goals and goes out of their way to support your habit.  

If you made it this far, you should go check out the other stash reports over at Judy's Patchwork Times.  


  1. Last week I was watching a program on HGTV and in an effort to sell their house it was recommended that a couple spray paint their brown grass patches green. LOL!

  2. Keep cool, which is really hard in OK right now.

    Love your kiddo's comments and you'll have to show us the pattern and what fabrics she chose from your stash. Do you have the makings of another quilter in the family?


  3. What an adorable story. Can't wait to see what she has you make for her.

  4. How funny! I love the fabric... I must say, it makes a big difference when you purchase something with a goal in mind. I don't feel so bad about those types of purchases these days, because like you said, it's all going into the next project. Can't wait to see what you do with it... My favorite is the green with white swirls!

  5. That's so cute. Great fabrics.

  6. Love those new fabric acquisitions Kate (and you're still under your budget!)

    Oh and dont worry I'm not so far along with those blocks that you cant catch up. Ive had no time for sewing this week!

    Hope the weather breaks for you could alwys send some sun my way!

  7. Hope you get a break from some of the summer heat .. the fabric is beautiful ..

  8. Three cheers for The Enabler (aka Kiddo)!

  9. Sounds like a great *helper* you have there!! LOL

    Love the Christmas fabric. Maybe by thinking Christmas you will help cool down the temps?

  10. Glad you were keeping cool in a quilt shop! There's no place happier. Good for Kiddo that she is supporting both your habit and your goals, LOL!


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