
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Stash Report - June 26th

Wow it's the last weekend in June!  The year is just about half over.  I've been looking over my quilting goals the last week or so.  I'm not too far off target on most of those objectives.  The stash busting is probably ahead of target.  It's not going out fast, but it is going out.  

Used this week: 1.01 yards
Added this week:  0 yards

Used year to date:  28.07 yards
Added year to date:  16 yards

Net Used for 2011:  12.07 yards

Fabric Budget:  13 yards for April to June
Bought/Budget:  9/13 yards

Most of what went out went towards the borders on the Buck-A-Block quilt.  I'm hoping to get those all on this afternoon.  Then it will be time to piece the back.

How's your stash busting going?  Check out Patchwork Times for the latest and greatest on stash busting efforts. 


  1. The way I see it - you've used 12 yards of fabric this year wihtout adding anything (in theory) that's brilliant.

    I think I need to apply this logic to my own quilt stash...

  2. Just think that is 12 yards of new fresh fabric. Sounds like a great trade to me.

  3. WOW You've been doing very good. Wish I could stop buying new fabric, but it calls to me . . .

  4. Great job - I somehow didn't connect that this is the last weekend in June. Gees, I guess I better recheck my goals to see how I am doing. I know the one to keep the quilt room tidy has been buried under some yardage!

    Keep cool!

  5. As you say: it may not be fast, but it is going out! You are in the black - and there is still half a year left to meet year-end goals.

  6. What stash??? Mine is getting so depleted I have pretty much found the only color I have anything more than 1/4 to a half yard left of is green, and a customer gave more most of those a year ago! I have been finding that every time I pull out another quilt top to quilt, I see where a lot of these materials have been going, so that's good to know! You're doing great on your stash busting!

  7. What a great idea to have a fabric budget - that can really help to make sure that you meet your year end goals...


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