
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - June 28th

It's an especially nice Tuesday today.   My Guy and I are off work for the day.  We work what they call a 19/30 schedule.  If you work 8.5 hours a day on the roughly 19 working days per month, you can take the 20th day off.  You pick the date.  Other then running a car or two in for oil changes and tires, no plans.  So I'm hoping to sew most of the rest of the day.  My favorite type of day off.  

It's Tuesday, which means coming clean on how you managed your sewing time the last 7 days.  My week wasn't bad, I managed probably at least an hour in the sewing room for 6 of the last 7 days. 

I was just too tired to sew on Wednesday, which happens sometimes.  Most of this week has been spent on sewing the 4 borders for the Buck-a-Block quilt.  I should be able to finish that top today. 

Only 2 more days left in June.  On Friday the year will be half over (Why am I always shocked at how fast that happens? Are you?)   One of the reasons I started the 15 Minute Challenge was to help me meet some of my quilting goals, which I was getting way behind on back in March.  I'm actually in pretty good shape on most of my goals.   How are you doing on your goals for the year?  Is the 15 Minute Challenge helping or is it a drag on your creativity?   If you want to share your success (or rail about the evil stuff that keeps you from the sewing room), link up.  

1. Jill

2. 501quiltblocks

3. Marti

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  1. Another successful week on the sewing timwe front: well done.

    Now that I have a machine again (Friday's post) I hope I can get some sewing done too!

  2. Enjoy your day off! And I'd say ever since I have had kids I'm always in awe at how fast time flies!! Great work on getting stuff done!

  3. That's a great way to get a day off, and I totally approve of the way you want to spend it.

    The 15 Minute Challenge definitely helps me, and I'm glad you started it. It's just the little prod I need to keep working on a boring project so I can get it done.

  4. I hope you are enjoying your day off Kate. It's wonderful to have a day off when everyone else is at work.

    I'd say this weeks marvellous effort on those borders was time well spent . The Buck a Block quilt is looking gorgeous.

    I cant believe we're half way through the year already either!

    I'm not linking up this week because aside from what I showed on the weekend I havent managed to get anything else done ! I'll be back next week though hopefully with some craftiness to share.

  5. Another great week! As I've said before, I love the challenge to get me moving. But ... I won't be linking up this week because I was out of town for most of last week and did absolutely nothing .. I could link up and tell about my week .. and maybe I will, but there this no craftiness in there at all! Enjoy your day off!

  6. I am still wondering where the first half of the year went. The older I get, the faster it goes.

  7. I have just heard about this. I was actually told by another blogger, who isn't involved in this challenge, about this method of challenging yourself to get into the sewing room more regularly, but I hadn't really given it much thought. As soon as I saw this on another blogger's blog though I decided I need to make that decision...if you'll have me :)
    It's amazing what some people can get done when they just spend a little time on something - every day! I really need this encouragement atm as I'm falling behind BIG time!


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