
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stash Report and 15 Minute Challenge (Day 10)

I bought fabric this week.  That breaks my 17 week fabric fast which started way back in October 2010.  How much damage did I do to my stash reduction efforts?  Here's this week's stash report:

Used this week:  0.96 yards
Added this week :  1.5 yards

Used year to date:  4.81 yards
Added year to date:  1.5 yards

Net used for 2011:  3.31 yards

Fabric Budget:  10 yards for Jan to March
Bought/Budget:  1.5/10 yards

I didn't buy much, so I'm still in the black.  I bought a couple of fat quarters for the purple and yellow quilt. I don't have as many darks as I do lights and wanted to even that out a bit.

I also fell in love with this butterfly print and had to add it to my collection (you can see parts of that collection here).  But I only bought a yard, so the overall damage wasn't bad. 

Why do the fabric out numbers seem to grow so slowly? I've been sewing, but that's mainly been just blocks, which don't seem to use much fabric.  I do have one quilt that needs backing and the Buck-a-Block needs to be set, so maybe my fabric usage will go up in the next month.  Oh well, I'm still in the black and that's what counts. 

Not much sewing time yesterday, probably only about an hour in sewing room.  Between kiddo's swim meet and laundry, that's all the the time I could manage.  Still I met my goal of 15 minutes of sewing time.   I'm hoping to get a few hours in this afternoon.  Kiddo's basketball commitment ended last Monday and this is the last swim meet for the short course season she'll swim, so we should get most of our weekends back for a few months.  At least until the long course season starts up. 

That's it for this week's stash report.  Check out Judy's Patchwork Times for more stash management reports. 


  1. Love the fabrics, I think I would have had to pick up that butterfly one myself.

    You are doing so terrific with not buying and glad you are managing the 15 minutes of sewing.

    I sewed several hours between friday and saturday but everything had been in process and was already accounted for in my stash.

  2. You are doing good in controlling the urge - only 1.5 yards since October! That's great!

    Since I am working on the Civil War quilt, I am also using only a little bit each week, but my numbers look good right now since I cut a whole bunch of strips in different sizes so it is eeasier to make up a block. At least I am able to get soem sewing done each week!

    Enjoy your free weekends!

  3. I know exactly what you mean, it is so quick to get fabric in, rather than fabric out.

    Angie -

  4. The butterflies are so cute....Don't worry about your numbers. It's more important to have joy in the creation process than it is to have a big number...ENJOY. Trust me, once your kiddos get older, there will be more time.

  5. That butterfly fabric is irresistable! I'd have bought some too.

  6. What beautiful batiks. A purple and yellow quilt sounds downright yummy. I can't wait to see it.

    I really like how you began your stash busting and can begin again any time you want. I'm going to adopt your strategy and begin March 1.

  7. You're my hero Kate! 17 weeks with no fabric is unbelievable to me.

    Hope you got that sewing done that you were planning for this afternoon.


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