
Sunday, February 9, 2025

Stitching Stuff: Week 6 of 2025


Hopefully we have evicted the squirrels and the roof has been repaired.  That's probably the biggest item checked off my "not quilty" to do list from last week.  Yesterday My Guy and I judged Science Fair.  It's always fun to see what the kids come up with, but it is tiring.  I definitely needed a nap when we got home yesterday after lunch.  Time in the sewing room didn't happen till after dinner.  All in all it was a pretty good week.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/ Feb = 8/8 days
  • 15 minute days/2025 = 37/39 days
  • Success rate = 94.87%

I'm falling behind on some of my "need to do" projects even with all the stitching time.  I'm hoping to play catch up on Sunday.  It's supposed to be cold, so hanging out in the sewing room is probably the warmest thing I could do.  

Have you had time to sew this month?  

1. Gretchen
2. maggie f
3. Julie in GA
4. Melissa G
5. Karen
6. Quilting Gail
7. DonnaeeQ
8. Bonnie in Va
9. Amanda
10. Andrée at Quilting & Learning
11. Rebecca Grace
12. Jocelyn @CNN
13. Marsha's Spot

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  1. There are some weeks that quilting takes a back seat to other "real life" activities. I hope the squirrels are gone for good!

  2. Seems like squirrels have been an issue before ... looks like you were still able to do some sewing.

  3. Glad you could get all your sewing days in. This is a great motivator for me to stitch on days I'm not that interested. Somedays I pull out some knitting and set a timer for 15 to 20 minutes. Somedays I'm playing in the studio off and on all day. Thanks for doing this each week!

  4. We get rats in our roof from time to time. Neighbours fruit trees and their aviary is to blame. I'm sure squirrels are just as bad. Good luck with the Need to do projects.

  5. Hi Kate, glad the squirrels will be living elsewhere! Hope you had a good sewing day on Sunday. I'm hoping to spend some quality time sewing today :-) Take care.

  6. I think it's funny that other quilters complain about getting sidetracked by squirrels, and they are talking about fun little side projects that lure them away from the big projects, WIPs and UFOs they were meaning to work on -- but YOU got sidetracked by ACTUAL squirrels!! I'm sure it's less funny to you... ;-). Glad you got the critters evicted and can get back to more enjoyable things now!

  7. I am amazed by what I get done by just making sure to use the sewing machine for 15 minutes a day. I set a timer on my phone and even pause it when the machine isn't running.


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