
Tuesday, October 8, 2024

To Do Tuesday for the Week of 10/8/2024

We got home late Saturday afternoon from vacation. So I had Sunday and Monday to work on the non-hand stitching part of my to do list.  With that in mind, I didn't do too badly with on the list for last week. 

To Do list For 10/01/2024

1.  Diatom: Finish hand stitching binding ✔

2.  Guild BOM: Start October block 

3.  Marble Mystery: Start October clue ✔

4.  Chocolate Marshmallows: Decide layout, start assembly - progress

5.  Wild and Goosey: Finish orange blocks - progress

6.  Sensational Summery Scrap quilt: Continue as leaders/enders ✔

Considering we were on vacation last week, I'm pretty happy with the progress on the to do list.  Of course, it wasn't a very ambitious list. Though getting in another finish is always exciting.  It's going to be a busy week, lots going on, so I'm going to keep this week's list simple too.  

To Do List for 10/8/2024

1.  String Lights (Meadow Mist Designs): Make backing


I finished this quilt top last July as part of the promotions for Cheryl's book "Just Two Charm Packs".  It's on my quilt plan as a to be quilted this year.  I have the backing fabric picked out, so it's just a matter of getting it cut and sewn.  

2.  Marble Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Finish October clue

I finished stitching the hour glass blocks just before dinner last night. They still need to be pressed and trimmed. There's one more set of blocks to assemble for this month, but those are pretty simple.  It shouldn't be too difficult to finish off this month's clue before next Tuesday. 

3.  Guild BOM: Finish October block

I've got about half the pieces cut for this month's block.  It won't take long to assemble once they are all cut. 

4.  Chocolate Marshmallows (Seabreeze Quilts):  Start assembly.

I'm still playing with the blocks on the design wall. I didn't really think about how all my different backgrounds were going to play with each other, so it's hard to come up something that looks balanced.  

5. Squared Away (So Scrappy): Decide on layout, pick setting fabric

Squared Away was a Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt along back in 2018.  This one is on my to be assembled list for this year.  It's another project that has been sitting on the UFO list because I couldn't figure out how to set it.  But, it's time has come, I'm going to at least have a plan to move forward with. 

6. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Finish the orange blocks

Only three more orange blocks needed for the planned layout. That should be doable this week.

7. Simply Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt (Kevin the Quilter): Continue as leader and enders.

So that's the plan for this week. It seems like a long list, but not all of it requires time at the sewing machine.  Linking up with the Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday.


  1. Just love seeing all that you are working on!!

  2. I think if you switch the top and bottom blocks in the right column it would balance chocolate marshmallows

  3. So many beautiful projects in the works! It's impressive that you made so much progress on them, even with being on vacation last week.

  4. I made Squared Away - still one of my all-time favorites! However you decide to set it, the blocks look beautiful. Have a great sewing week, Kate!

  5. So many pretty things to work on.

  6. I don’t remember String of Lights or Squared Away. We haven’t seen them in a while. Everything is looking good.

  7. My eye was immediately caught by that pretty String Lights - I don't remember it but I love it. I look forward to your layout for the yummy one (Chocolate Marshmallows). :D


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