
Saturday, August 10, 2024

Week 119 Photo Challenge: Fill the Frame

Everyone got on the ball this week and had a photo to send me last night.  This week's challenge is one where the subject was secondary and the technique was primary. 

As usual, I waited till Friday afternoon to take my photos for the challenge. I tried lots of subject matter, but ended up coming back to my most favorite subject. 

Kate: Purple Coneflower

Purple coneflowers are one of My Guy's favorite wild flowers that grow well here.  He bought some at the farmer's market a couple of weeks ago, they are starting to fade, but there are still a few bold blooms left.  

My Guy has found some other good stuff at the farmer's market. 

My Guy: Peachy

Porter, Oklahoma is known for their Porter Peaches.  The first bag he brought home from the farmer's market went fast.  He made ice cream out of the second bag and it's very, very good. 

Grad Girl has had one of those week's.  I wasn't sure she'd have the mental energy to come up with a photo. She sent me three last night. This one was her favorite from the set. 

Grad Girl: Chemistry Stuff

Organic chemistry can be really colorful.  The purple stuff is what she's trying to synthesize.  So at least one experiment went well this week.

This week was fairly easy as we had unlimited subjects. Next week's challenge is more limited. 

The challenge for week 32 was for a small toy in a real world setting.  We all nailed that one, so this one should be easy.  


  1. Those zoomed in photos can be the most interesting. We can see so much texture along with the color.

  2. It's always interesting to see things in close-up that you don't usually look at in that way. Your coneflower photo is beautiful! The center parts actually look sharp! Love the peaches, too, and Grad Girl's lab photos always intrigue me since I know so little about what she is studying. Fun week!

  3. They are all very interesting, but your flower picture is stunning. Would love to see you play with the idea again in your photography journey.

  4. Fun photos. I love the cone flower, and peach ice cream sounds yummy. I might have to try me some of that.

  5. Beautiful closeups, especially love the cone flower. I remember Porter peaches very well, I miss them.

  6. Fill the Frame is maybe my favorite photo card pull of yours. The pictures look great! It helps us see ordinary things from a new perspective!

  7. The purple coneflower at first made me think of a bundle of Christmas mini lights! Great perspective on these.

  8. Wow these were awesome, Kate. Flowers are one of my favorite subjects too and love the peaches as well. Grad Girl's photo was so interesting; I had to study it for a moment. She did an amazing job as well. Toys is a fun subject.

  9. Ooh, love your coneflower picture - that’s one of my favorite flowers!


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