
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 07/16/2024

Last Sunday's post noted just how out of it I felt during most of last week. Saturday allowed for a reset and I managed to get back up to speed on a number of things, including last week's to do list. 

To Do List for 07/09/2024

1.  2023 SAHRR: Finish binding  ✔ 

2.  Kates' Choice: Continue making blocks ✔

3.  Guild BOM: Finish June block, start July block ✔

4.  Wild and Goosey: Finish blue blocks, start teal blocks ✔

5.  Indigo Way: Finish setting triangles, start assembly ✔

I'm 5 for 5 for last week, a definite improvement over the week before.  Hopefully I can do as well on this week's list.  

To Do List for 07/16/2024

1. Rhododendron (Bonnie Hunter): Make backing

I took some time a month or so ago to raid the fabric closet for backing fabrics for all my finished quilt tops.  I don't have enough of the light print, so I'll frame it with the darker purple.  Rhododendron is Bonnie Hunter's 2021 mystery quilt along.  So it's taken me a few years to get it finished. The goal is to have this project ready to go out for quilting when the 2024 SAHRR comes back from the quilter.  

2.  Kate's Choice: Continue making blocks

I finished three blocks last week and started on a fourth. More to come this week.      

3. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Continue making teal blocks

I've gotten a good start on the teal blocks for this month. Three new blocks either finished or in the works to add to what was already in the project box.  

4. Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter): Continue assembling quilt as leaders and enders.

I'm sewing the blocks together as my leaders and enders. When I have a row ready to add on, I pin and sew that with the other blocks I'm working on.  So far that seems to be working. I'm going to need a new leaders and enders project soon.  

I'm hoping for another good week in the sewing room.  Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt for another To Do Tuesday.  


  1. Your backing for Rhododendron is pretty. You continue to make blocks for Kate's Choice, and I continue to like them.

  2. I love how your Indigo Way and the Wild and Goosey are looking. I just can't seem to make myself work on Indigo Way again right now. Eventually I'll decide how I want to finish it.

  3. Oh you did a great reset!!!
    Those wild and goosey blocks - LOVE them - your colors are awesome!! and your mystery quilt - go you!

  4. Oh, hooray for all the big progress you are making. Having another backing done and quilt ready to send out when the 2024 SAHRR comes back from the quilter is fantastic!

  5. Your backing for Rhododendron is so pretty! I love little florals like that. Indigo Way is looking great, too. You really got a lot done this week!

  6. Gorgeous fabrics that you have chosen for the backing. You have a lot of lovely projects to keep you busy this week. I wish you the best in meeting your goals. Hugs.

  7. Beautiful projects to work with, I love your teal blocks!


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