
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 30 of 2024


It's been another pretty chill week, inside at least. It's been pretty warm outside.  Lots of opportunities to sit and stitch this week.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/July = 27/27 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 209/209 days
  • Success rate = 100%
All the stitching time is adding up, I'm starting to see good progress on moving a number of projects to finished.  That's such a good feeling.  

The Great Sewing Room Reorganization is still in process. I took some time to clean up a bit, plus dust and vacuum. Moved a few things around and found room for the boxes with the fat quarters and now have room for some more wire cubes to extend the fabric storage in the closet.  

The working scrap bin was full of scraps from the 2023 SAHRR quilt that was finished earlier this month.  Those scraps are all cut down and stored in the scrap bins now. 

There was a little progress on big scrap bag #2, but not enough that shows up in a photo.  

There was some progress on the to be pressed bin. 

The bin is just about a quarter full now.  What was pressed this last week included a couple of 4 yard pieces and those take awhile. I think the pieces left are all much smaller.  It would be fun to have this bin empty by next weekend.

That's what's been going on in my sewing room. Have you been stitching, cleaning or reorganizing?   



1. Julie in GA
2. maggie f
3. DonnaleeQ
4. Quilting Gail
5. Deb in Canada
6. Bonnie in Va
7. katie z.
8. Andrée at Quilting & Learning
9. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts

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  1. Your baskets look nice. I've always enjoyed peeks into others' sewing spaces. I actually pulled out some embroidery supplies this week to do some fall stitching.

  2. I like the look of those wire storage bins! Will you slide baskets into them or stack fabric? My goal this week is to piece a backing for my zipper block quilt top. That should use up some yardage! Have a relaxing Sunday, Kate!

  3. I've been stitching and a bit of cleaning. Sometimes I was cutting fabric to put with a project and then the leftovers got put away. I store my fat quarters or partial FQ in open lids from boxes that held reams of paper. Unfortunately, some are ripping and I'm going to need to find more lids or find another way to store them. And, honestly, I need to use up some (LOTS) of my FQs. wozzer -- your to be ironed bin is really getting sparse. I have 3.5 yards of wide back to wash and iron. Needless to say, I'm not highly motivated to do it!

  4. Wow you are doing amazingly well with quilting every day and cleaning up your sewing space. I have lost track of how much quilting I've done this year, and know for sure that my sewing space needs a serious tidy and decluttering.

  5. Hi Kate, looks like you had a productive week! I'm slowly getting back to quilting but ended up looking for something in my quilting closet and made even more of a mess in the studio... I'm just not "with it" these days. Oh well, this too shall pass. Have a great week.

  6. You are moving right along on organizing your quilt studio. The wire cubes are nifty and will be great storage space. Hugs.


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