
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 28 of 2024


I've felt off kilter all week.  Getting home from Texas on Monday afternoon seems to have thrown both My Guy and I off on where we are in the week.  Saturday seemed to be a reset day. Hopefully next week will feel more normal.  

Even though there were a couple of days I wasn't sure if it was Tuesday or Wednesday, I still met my stitching goals.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/July = 13/13 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 =195/195 days
  • Success rate = 100% 
So far so good on keeping up with finding time to stitch each day.  I'm learning the key factor is to think ahead and have a project and decide on a time to sit and stitch.  While we were on the road, I'd stitch when My Guy was getting ready (shower, shave, dress).  That way I was sure to get my time in no matter what else we did during the day. 

I did get back to both the scrap processing and yardage organization this week. There was a bit of progress on scrap bag #2, but not enough to be really noticeable.  However, the fabric to be pressed bin is noticeably less full.  

It's been fun to rediscover some favorite fabrics that have been hidden in the piles. It's been so hard to not stop and start new projects with some of those rediscoveries.  I'm determined to move some UFOs off the list, so I have room to play with lots more new projects next year.  

So how was your stitching week?  Did you declutter and organize, or stick with stitching stuff?  

1. Julie in GA
2. maggie f
3. Deb in Canada
4. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
5. Jennifer in Indy
6. Bonnie in Va
7. Frédérique
8. Quilting Gail
9. Carol @Quilt Schmilt

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  1. My week was spent machine quilting. The stack of stuff on the small table keeps getting higher and higher! I'll clean up soon before I start a new project. You are doing so well stitching every day.

  2. I'm very impressed, both by your continued success at getting stitching time, plus your organization efforts. Keep it up!

  3. congrats on your resolve not to leap into a new project. The call of the fabric can be very tempting

  4. Since I retired, I always have to think "what day is it?!" when I first wake up in the morning! Add in a holiday and some days out of town, and I know just how you're feeling. Glad you're still keeping up with your stitching time and scrap processing, too. I think I told you last week that I was going to organize my embroidery floss, and I did! I'll have to share a picture on the blog. Have a wonderful Sunday, Kate!

  5. I have those weeks every now and then; the holidays sometimes makes me feel off kilter. You certainly are staying in the groove with your stiching/ quilting time. Woo Hoo! I was able to stitch and sew each day and I even organized a bag of scraps. It was a good week. I wish you a wonderful day . Hugs.

  6. Yes, always feel a little off when I'm not on the normal routine (which was the case for me this week too). I also got in stitching time each day thanks to quiet evenings and the end of vacation.

  7. I mostly stitched, and stitched... My cutting table is a total disaster although I almost always keep a space clear enough to cut on. (I've got two big mats one is completely covered in fabric pieces and plans for future quilts.) Maybe after this retreat I'll force myself to clear some of the scraps and pieces away. There comes a time where I must be strong and stash really small pieces in the bag to make dog beds with! But that is for another week! I like the looks of a couple of your fabrics in the tote, especially that turquoise with the bright pink and gold flowers. Keep at it.

  8. I love your key factor! My last week was all about planning a new project. I'm ready to meet my goal this week ;)

  9. Travelling does put most of us off kilter Kate, but look at all your progress on both scrap and ironing containers. I’m taking a page from your book and have used my ToDoList to line up my preferred projects to work on and trying not to get sidetracked too often. I’m so impressed to even planned your stitching time. I’ve been trying to keep organized these past couple of weeks and have managed to stitch every day. 😁

  10. I'm always so impressed with your diligence in pressing the washed fabric. It will be lovely when you're caught up!


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