
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 24 of 2024


Halfway through June? Already?  I am not ready for the year to be half over! Though it's been a good year on the stitching time front, my best year ever for getting in my 15 minutes.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/June = 15/15 days
  • 15 minute days 2024 = 167/167 days
  • Success rate = 100%

It's pretty amazing that I've been able to keep my stitching streak up, even with surgery and other things going on.  This week will be hard as I've got a busy week. It will be hard to maintain the 100%.  My days will start early and end late From Monday to Thursday.  Then we have family stuff from Friday thru Monday.  So this is likely my last post till next Sunday.  As I don't expect to get much done other than enough handwork to maintain my 15 minutes, there's probably not going to be much to blog about anyway.  

I didn't get as much done on the scrap processing front as I would have liked this last week, but you can see more of the bottom of scrap bag #1. 

I'm hoping to finish the up the last few scraps in the bag before things get busy on Monday. That would be awesome progress.  

The fabric to be pressed bin is empty. 

The bin was full at the beginning of April.  So it took a month and a half to empty it.  Not bad progress. I've filled it up again with fabrics from the fabric closet that need pressing and folding (some are pressed and just need to be refolded to fit on the current shelfs).  Hopefully, there will be time to make progress on the new stacks before things get busy. 

Have you had time to stitch this last week?  

1. maggie f
2. Karen
3. DonnaleeQ
4. Frédérique
5. Julie in GA
6. Bonnie in Va
7. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
8. Amanda
9. Gretchen
10. Andrée
11. Celine

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  1. That empty bin looks encouraging. With all my bragging about loving to iron, I've had a table runner needing pressing sitting on my cutting table for two weeks. I am in a state of low mojo, so I am going to really try to get just one thing done today in the sewing room.

  2. Your bag of scraps keeps going down! I'm impressed with how you've stuck with it on that project. I had a busy week this past week, but managed to finish a quilt anyway - that's a good feeling. Hope you're doing something fun during your busy weekdays, and enjoy the family time coming up, too!

  3. Yeah for the empty bin! You did really great with your stitching time, much better than me. The end of the school year is very busy for me, I will have again 2 or 3 very busy weeks from now. Enjoy family time!

  4. That's a great idea to take a bit of scraps from the closet , place them in the bin and process them. I need to do the same so the task does not look so daunting. Lol. I wish you a fabulous day, Kate and Happy quilting.

  5. Look at that empty bin! You go, girl! I’m still working away at my art piece. I got farther today than I thought I would, and so I’m hoping to have it finished sometime next week.

  6. I hope you can sneak a few stitching minutes in every day. I love seeing your empty fabric bin. And, You are almost done processing your scraps. (Are you processing new ones as they are made?) Here's hoping you keep your 100% stitching going.

  7. Looks like a job well done. I'm still just working round my mess in my sewing room.

  8. Way to go! Pressing yardage is not one of my favorite chores, so I'm impressed!

  9. The photo of the gray bin looks like a quilt design, if you're good at drafting optical illusion/perspective. It's nice to see the bottom!

  10. Hi Kate, that's quite the progress and still at 100%. I hope that you have a good week, even if it's still not 100%. I'll be stitching my little heart out since it's going to be hot and humid - perfect stay in the studio weather. Have a good week :-)

  11. Good job pressing yours. I am not pressing them unless they don't fold nice without doing so. I figure I will press them again when I cut them.


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