
Monday, June 10, 2024

Slow Progress on the 2nd Oldest UFO

It was another low key weekend. I can certainly get used to those.  We've got some family stuff coming up soon, so we'll be pretty busy for a few weeks, so I'll enjoy them while I have them.  

Most of this weekend was spent in the sewing room.  I don't think I made up for all lack of motivation I had most of last week, but there was good progress on getting fabrics cut for the guild BOM. I also replenished the black triangles needed for the Wild and Goosey blocks.

On the actual sewing front, the next block for Kate's Choice was finished up Sunday afternoon.

This pineapple block was paper pieced.  Since last week's post, it's the second block finished for the project. 

I've finished 3 of the 6 rows I have planned for this project.  I've been moving the blocks around as I finish them.  I need a few more light ones. The next one in the works is a dark one. 

So far it's not been too difficult piecing this LeMoyne Star.  Hopefully the halves aren't too bad to sew into squares and then into the final block.  I've started cutting the fabrics for the next block, it will be another very light one.  

I need to get busy and press the backing for the 2024 SAHRR. That's the last item on last week's to do list.  Thankfully, that shouldn't take too long once I get into the sewing this afternoon. 

Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts


  1. It looks like you're making progress with several projects. Happy stitching!

  2. Oh wow - I'm loving those blocks. Such a beautiful mix.

  3. I like your new block for Kate's Choice! It seems like adding in some lighter colors is a good idea. Did you have fabric stashed away for this project or are you choosing from your stash? Have a great week, Kate!

  4. Nice job on Pineapple block. I like pineapple blocks but don't really like making them. Keep up the good work -- you are half way there.

  5. Three rows out of six? You're halfway!

  6. A low key weekend sounds delightful, and progress on Kate's Choice looks good to me!

  7. Your design wall looks great, I love this light block, and the darker on the go is lovely too. The two light blocks blocks give a whole different look to the ensemble!

  8. It’s looking good. I love that color combination.

  9. That Le Moyne Star looks tricky to me. The new block for Kate's Choice is a lovely one.

  10. The Pineapple block is a great addition to Kate's Choice. The LeMoyne Star is looking fabulous. I have never tried piecing one; it looks intimidating. Lol. Happy quilting.

  11. Congratulations to you for revisiting an old UFO. It probably feels great to be getting close.

  12. I love your Kate's Choice blocks. Like you, we have some family things coming up this month and next, so I am relishing any quiet time I get!


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