
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

May 2024 PHD Report

May went fast. Didn't I just write the April PHD report?  At any rate it's time to link up with P Designs USA for the May PHD report. There's been no change in my PHD report. 

On the downside that means no finishes, but on the up side there's been no new starts either.  Maintaing the status quo is the second best outcome you can have.  There has been progress this last month, with the promise of a finish next month.  

One project moved to finished quilt top in April, so that opened a spot on the works in progress list. That spot was filled with my second oldest UFO, Grandmother's Choice (Barbara Backman).  This UFO is 12 years old, so it's definitely time to move it along.

I pulled all the blocks out of the project box. only three were salvagable. This project was really above my skill level 12 years ago. Template piecing is still something I don't have patience for so this project is now Kate's Choice and I'm deciding on what blocks to add to the sampler. 

We went to OKC to hang out with Grad Girl for Mother's Day weekend, so the hand stitching project came along. 

It might not look like a lot of progress, there are a lot of thread changes in the area thats been added.  

The effort to add more blocks to Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter) continued this month. There is definitely a noticable increase in the number of purple blocks compared with where I was at the the first of the year. 

The top left quarter is just about filled in. Just three more quarters to go!  

The backing was made for the 2023 SAHRR (Quilting Gail), both the back and top prepped for quilting.  On the last day of the month, the quilt was mailed out for quilting. 

Trudy should see it Monday.  Fingers crossed the quilted version comes back in enough time for me to bind it before the end of the month.  It would be nice to have a finish for June.  

Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter) was still the leaders and enders project for May.  The last full B block was constructed. Since then it's been back to making all the component parts for the last 4 setting triangles.  There are a lot of pieces in those partial blocks!

But all the square in a square centers are made, the blue and white corners are also all done.  All that's left to make is 12 of the red/white triangle in a square blocks. Once those are done, I can start constructing those last 4 setting triangles. 

With the 2023 SAHRR sent out for quilting, it was time to pull another finished quilt top out of the closet.  Next up for backing and prepping for quiliting is the 2024 SAHRR (Quilting Gail).  

The backing fabrics have been selected and the assembly plan has been worked out. That's as far as I got before the month ended. The plan is have this one ready to go out when the 2023 SAHRR comes back. Fingers crossed I can manage one finish a month till the end of the year.  Probably won't happen that way, but no harm in dreaming.

The May block for the Guild BOM was actually finished a couple of days before the end of the month.     

The block for June will be another large one, then the next 4 will be the smaller ones.  

May was a really good month on the productivity front. You just can't tell that from my progress tracker. 

The only bar that moved this month is the one for the 2023 SAHRR.  But there were only three projects with any progress on my April PHD report, there are seven in May.  I'm sure knee surgery had a lot to do with that, but still it feels good to rebound this month.


  1. I think its a great report!!!
    I like seeing the progress photos - thats a cool idea!!
    Have fun in June - you will enjoy what you can accomplish!!

  2. What an awesome amount of progress on lots of different projects!

  3. It's always good to see progress, no matter how big or how small! I have done just one quilt that involved templates, and they're not my favorite way to do things either. I bet you're excited to get the 2023 SAHRR quilted - I'll enjoy seeing how it turns out, too!

  4. I think it looks like you've moved a lot of your projects forward. I like the progress photos. I appreciate that you have a 12 year old project in your list. That made me calculate the age of one of the projects on my list--it's almost 17 years old! What?! You are doing great!

  5. Lots of eye candy here. I’m loving Indigo Way, and your butterflies are beautiful.

  6. It is so wonderful to see the progress that you are making, Kate. I am going to have to look back for Chocolate Marshmallow. I hope the month of June is a fabulous and productive one.hugs.

  7. I enjoy seeing he little snippets of progress. One hour a day looks good on your projects.


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