
Monday, April 8, 2024



No stitching to show off today.  We're eclipsing. Fingers crossed we get some clearing around noon so we can enjoy the show. If not, I'm going to have one very disappointed My Guy. 


  1. you went to Texas right? watch out for the bad weather afterward!! hope you get a good view. WE will enjoy the 4.5 minutes of it here

  2. Fingers Crossed!!
    One of my kids headed south to Texas to get a better glimpse ( than from Colorado)

  3. So...did you see it??? Barbara at Cat Patches

  4. We were in the path of totality, but it was completely overcast by early afternoon and even started sprinkling. So I missed the big show except for it getting dark and the street lights coming on. Then, of course, by sunset, the sun was shining brightly. I hope you had better luck.

  5. Hope your eclipsing was successful. 94% here and I was out to see it all.

  6. I hope you got a good view of the eclipse. I had to work, but I was able to sneak out for a few minutes to watch it outside my house. I shared my glasses with four of my neighbors so it was a viewing party of sorts. My daughter got a great photo of it. She was in the path.


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