
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 03/05/2024

I was a bit off my game most of the week.  Fitting in physical therapy and some time with an ice pack afterwards has skewed my schedule a bit.  The medication is messing with my sleep schedule a bit and that has definitely taken a toll too.  I made it to the sewing room every day, but just didn't have the energy to focus for long periods of time.  All that to say, I didn't do so hot on last week's to do list. 

To Do List for 02/27/2024

1. 2024 SAHRR: Finish borders 5 and 6 - progress

2. Betty: Finish quilt assembly - progress

3. Meadow Mist Designs: Finish the February Clue - progress

4. Wild and Goosey: Make red and start purple blocks ✔

5. Indigo Way: Continue making blocks as leaders/enders ✔

I guess the week wasn't so bad.  There was a bit of progress on everything.  It just feels like things didn't go as smoothly last week.  It's a new week and I can hope that my energy levels and focus come back.  

To Do List for 03/05/2024

1. Stay at Home Round Robin (Quilting Gail): Finish border 5, work on border 6. 

There are just a few stars left to assemble for border #5.  I've cut the orange fabric for the blocks in border 6, but need to cut the black fabric before assembly can start.  I'll need 36 blocks for the last border. Thankfully I choose a much simpler block for the last border.  I have almost 2 weeks before the final parade.  I should be able to finish up both borders before then.  

2.  Betty (Meadow Mist Designs):  Finish final borders

Cheryl's pattern in the book uses the background fabric as the border, but I want a blue final border. So I changed the background border to the same size as the sashing.  I have several options for the final border, I need to decide which one to use this week and cut the strips.  Betty should be a finished quilt top by the next week (fingers crossed anyway).  I missed the quilt parade dead line, but that's OK. I will still end up with a quilt that helped reduce the scraps in my too full bin.  

3.  Malted Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs):  Finish the February clue.

Just two narrow borders have to be added to finish off the February clue.  The March clue comes out on Thursday.  It would be nice to get the last clue finished before then.  

4. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter):  Continue making purple blocks

I only managed 4 purple blocks last year.  Fingers crossed I can do a lot better than that this year. 

5. Scrappy Butterflies (self designed): Print label, make binding

Trudy sent the quilt back last week, it arrived on Saturday.  I spent some time this weekend designing the label.  A flutter is a group of butterflies and that seems to fit well for this quilt.  The goal is to have a finished quilt by the end of the month. Doing a little each week will help me meet that goal.  

6.  Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter): Continue making blocks as leaders and enders.

I'm going to need to make a few more components for the blocks. I made half the blocks to start with, but my final layout requires 2 more block A and several more block b and block b setting triangles.  Even so, I've been happy with the progress.  I might actually finish this one before this year's mystery starts up.  

This week's list is a little longer than last week's list.  But I'm almost done with the friendship stars, which take a lot of piecing to finish. Hopefully once those are done, it will be easier to work in more projects this week. Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt: For the Love of Fabric for To Do Tuesday.  


  1. I think it's great you were able to make progress on all your goals last week. I hope your sleep smooths out and you have a better week with less pain this week.

  2. Every little bit of progress is good, especially when you're not feeling 100%. Your label for the butterfly quilt is so pretty! Great job designing it.

  3. Betty is looking great, Kate! A blue border sounds perfect for it. I love your Flutter label, too. I'm looking forward to seeing that finish!

  4. The first of the month for me--is doing the BOM's I have decided to do for 2024--so it usually later in the month I get to actually sew!!
    But you are steadily working on all your big quilts and that is all that matters--hope you get to feeling better real soon--
    hugs, diane

  5. Progress on all your to-do's is not too shabby. I really like the Betty quilt; I have that book but haven't gotten around to doing any of the projects yet. That looks like a good one to try.

  6. I hope that PT is helping , Kate. I am sorry to hear that the meds are draining . Woo Hoo on keeping up with your goal and spending time in the quilt room even if it is not as long as you like ; you are still being productive.Enjoy your day.

  7. Sorry to hear you are still having trouble and that PT helps. I love the quilt label. It is so pretty, it deserves to be on the front instead of the back. Good luck with this week and the lovely SAH Round Robin.

  8. Ugh on the messed up sleep schedule and having to use ice packs - I hope you start feeling much better! Those stars are my favorite type of star, yours look great. Love the label! Do you design it then print it?

  9. I didn't know they were called a "flutter". It is perfect, and thus, the name is perfect!
    Great goals.
    I hope you can continue to improve - faster too!


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