
Monday, March 18, 2024

Bits of This and That Stitching

I'm late posting this morning.  I had an early morning doctor's appointment to go over the MRI results on my knee.  When I mess myself up, apparently I don't do anything in halves. Both meniscus in my right knee are torn. So that will mean surgery, probably later this spring. We'll see how long I'm out of the sewing room when we get to that.  For now, I'll keep working to finish off a few projects before I end up on restrictions. 

This weekend was a mixed bag on the stitching front.  I did a bit of hand stitching on the binding for Scrappy Butterflies (A Flutter).


I've turned 2 corners and have two more left.  So that's good progress. 

The rest of the weekend was spent on cutting additional parts for Indigo Way and making a start on the guild March BOM block.

I'm also working on getting the last border onto the 2024 Stay at Home Round Robin project. Two border strips are assembled and attached. I was almost done with border three when I found an error. So I need to spend some time with Mr. Seam Ripper to get that project back on track.  

So nothing exciting today.  I'm hoping to have a finished quilt and quilt top by the end of the week.  We'll see how far I get.  Linking up with  Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.  


  1. That's no fun to have to have the knee surgery, Kate, but I'm sure it will feel a lot better once you've recuperated. Maybe a hand stitching project for the knee surgery recovery time will give you some sewing therapy. Looking forward to seeing your Scrappy Butterflies finish!

  2. You did great during this weekend, and I can't wait to see your SAHRR quilt all together! Good luck with your knees.
    Thank you for sharing your work in progress.

  3. glad you had the MRI to find out - you can recover from surgery it might take awhile but you can do it. In the meantime you should have some things moved downstairs from your sewing room so you can do some downstairs.

  4. Sorry about your knee. I have tears in my right knee in both the medial and lateral meniscus. I’m told they’re vertical tears, which means they’re age-related, and don’t respond well to surgery. Sounds like yours can be corrected, so maybe there’s an end in sight. Hope it works out well for you. Looking forward to seeing your SAHRR quilt.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that you need to have knee surgery. I hope it puts an end to the pain, and you can come back stronger and more productive than ever!

  6. I'm sorry to hear you'll need surgery, but I pray it will make a big difference for you! Wish I was around to bring you a casserole. :D

  7. Oh gosh, I am so sorry to hear about your knee. I hope that you have a great team of doctors and support to help you feel prepared and ready for the surgery and that you can fully heal and recover post-surgery. It's exciting to see that A Flutter is so close to being a finish. Take care!

  8. Oh no - Im so sorry!!
    Hope that helps you feel better tho!! Quilt away until then


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