
Saturday, February 17, 2024

Week 103 Photo Challenge: Stairs

We are in for another chilly weekend.  Thankfully it was nice enough early in the week to get out and about to look for potential subjects for  last week's challenge. 

I did go out on a walk early in the week, but you don't tend to find stairs along the walking paths. Having said that, I just realized there is a staircase along one of the trails I normally walk. But as I didn't think of that earlier, I went with one that was easily accessible at home. 

Kate: Mini Stairs

Grad Girl's Lego sets to the rescue again.  As part of my decluttering efforts, I've been disassembling these structures that pretty much cover every open shelf in the living room.  I may have to leave a couple of the more complex ones assembled, but maybe move then to her room.  They've showed up in several previous photo challenge posts.   

My Guy was concerned we'd get the same photo this week as there is one building in town with external stairways.  

My Guy: County Courthouse Back Stairs

There only one other building other than the courthouse that I can think of that has external steps and that one is hard to get to. I did consider this location, but completely forgot to get a photo when I met My Guy downtown for lunch earlier in the week. 

Grad Girl probably had the easiest time finding her subject for the week.  

Grad Girl: Art Deco Stairs

She takes these stairs pretty much every day up to her lab on the third floor.  This isn't the first photo she's taken of the Texas A&M Chemistry building lobby.  They just don't build STEM buildings like this any more.  

The last couple of weeks the challenge cards have been easy subjects to interpret.  It will be interesting to see how we each interpret this week's challenge. 

As My Guy said, this would have been a fun prompt for last week.  I've already said we can't use photos of each other.  Not sure we'll stick with that, but you never know.  


  1. Fun photos and cool lab building! We never had buildings like that where I went to school. Will be interesting to see how you each interpret the next challenge.

  2. Great photos as always - that lobby is beautiful. I'm looking forward to True Love.

  3. Looks like that campus chemistry building is a beautiful example of Art Deco. Fun photos this week.

    My niece & husband (living in TX) have raised their granddaughter. She will be a senior in HS next year, and wants to go to A&M to be a veterinarian. She's attended a lot of "horse doings" there. But last month she got to tour West Texas A&M and fell in love with that campus. And was impressed with their equestrian facilities. Wonder which she'll choose.

  4. As I look at your stairs photos, I'm wondering what I stairs I would photograph. We live in a split level, so there's that, but fun to think about where else I could find stairs. I enjoy seeing how what each of you come up with!

  5. Stairs are an interesting topic - they take so many shapes! I love your Lego stairs, and also the building stairs that your guy found. That Art Deco Science building is really beautiful! You're right - they don't build like that anymore.

  6. Ooooh...interesting takes on the prompt. The art deco stairs from grad girl are especially interesting. Now I'm curious to see how you'll do next week's prompt.

  7. As usual, great interpretations of the photos from the miniature to the grandiose. There's a beautiful Art Deco building in downtown Detroit that is my all-time favourite, The Guardian Building.

  8. Great photos, Kate. I thought your photo was of Legos. My nephew has lots of structures made as well. They are fascinating to look at. Can not wait to see your Love photos. Hugs.


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