
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Week 102 Photo Challenge: Leaves

We are in for another dreary and chilly weekend, with a chance of snow Sunday night.  So it's definitely a great sewing weekend.  Though it doesn't make for fun photography, I'm not a fan of walking in the cold. It doesn't seem to bother My Guy.  Thankfully it was warmer early this week and it was more enticing to get out and find a photograph for this week's prompt. 

After last week's challenging "good and evil" prompt, this one was much easier for everyone.  There are several meanings of the word "leaves", which is illustrated by this week's photos. My submission may be the first meaning you think of. 

Kate: Just Pretty Leaves

You can still find colorful leaves on some of the vines and small bushes along the wooded parts of town.  I have no idea what plant this is, but the orange against the blue sky made for a pretty picture. 

My Guy went with what might be the second meaning you think of for this week's prompt. 

My Guy: The Flock Leaves

These are Double Crested Cormorants leaving one of the lakes near Tulsa.  The Cormorants winter here, but breed in the northern US into southern Canada.  So these guys are likely leaving soon to head to their spring and summer hang outs.  

Grad Girl is still working long days. She worked last weekend and will work this weekend.  So she's not had much time to contemplate getting photos. So she got creative for this week's prompt. 

Grad Girl: Leave-less, Petal-ful

So not your typical response to the prompt, but I like the monochromatic tone of the photo.  It's definitely a week where we all went a different interpretations.  

Hopefully Grad Girl will have more time to get a photograph this next week.  The challenge will be how to get an interesting photo. 

I know of some interesting stairs, but not necessary around here. Definitely going to have to do some contemplation for this week's prompt.  


  1. It's always interesting to find leaves that have been left on the tree over the winter - they definitely have their own kind of beauty! Those cormorants are probably headed up here to Colorado for the summer. We get lots of them, although mostly see them roosting in the trees. Love the photo of them with their wings spread to take off! Are those lights that Grad Girl took the photo of? They make a neat effect there!

  2. Again--I love all 3 photos and what you each meant in your photos--
    great job--
    Happy stitching this next week--hugs, diane

  3. So much fun. I laughed when I saw Your Guy’s. I want to get my cards out when we take off on our trip. (They’re packed with the rest of my maps and books.) It’ll be fun to do some photo walks/hikes.

  4. Love them all! Blue and orange is one of my favorite color schemes.

  5. I love Grad Girl's-----petals of a "flower" are leaves

  6. Those are very nice photos this week.
    I got no response a couple of weeks ago, so I haven't posted a new one.

  7. Really beautiful photographs. I should have read this after I had my coffee. I didn't even see "Leaves" on the card but only say "good and evil" in the paragraph under the card. I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how leaves were good or evil. Good grief.

  8. All neat interpretations, love your orange and blue combo


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