
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 02/12/2024

We woke up to about 3" of wet, fluffy snow yesterday.  Then it promptly warmed up and made everything messy.  But it was pretty while it lasted.  The roads were really slushy, consequently, My Guy's office had delayed start yesterday.  That threw off the start to my day, in a good way. It's always nice to have him around the house.  Though I didn't get to my housework,  I did make it upstairs to finish the last check mark on last week's to do list. 

To Do List for 02/06/2024

1. 2024 SAHRR:  Finish border #3 ✔
2. Betty: Assemble last 5 blocks ✔
3. Indigo Way: Continue assembling blocks ✔
4. Malted Mystery: Work on the February clue ✔
5. Wild and Goosey: Work on red blocks ✔
6. Chilhowie: Finish last block ✔

So it was definitely a good week in the sewing room.  Chilhowie is going to drop off my list as I need the design wall to deal with the pieced sashing.  But I'm adding in a new project to take it's place as you'll see in this week's to do list. 

To Do List for 02/12/2024

1. 2024 Stay at Home Round Robin (Quilting Gail) : Finish border #4

I've got the design for border #4 worked out with Grad Girl and she's chosen the fabrics.  I've made a start.  I'm going to paper piece the square in square blocks.  Fingers crossed I can avoid any errors this week.  

2. Betty (Meadow Mist Designs):  Start assembling quilt.

The last 5 blocks were finished over the weekend.  I'm going to have to take Indigo Way off the big design wall so I can lay out all 20 of the Betty blocks and decide on a final layout so the sashing strips can be added. I'm hoping to get all the sashing done this week and maybe started on sewing the blocks together into rows. We'll see how well that goes. 

3. Guild BOM:  Make January and February blocks.

I don't really need a new project, but when the email came out in January with this year's BOM, it looked like such fun that I couldn't not join in.  The green on blue is a long term stash fabric. I'm happy to find a place for it in this project.  It's just one block a month. I should be able to keep up with that.  

4.  Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter):  Continue assembling blocks/quilt as leaders and enders project. 

I finished a few more blocks this week.  It seems my BH mysteries always end up as leaders and enders. At least this one is much closer to finished then I normally get them.  I had hoped to get the rows all sewn together before I took it off the design wall, but I have projects that need to go up on the big one so down it will come.  

5.  Malted Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Finish the February Clue.

Maybe I'll get caught up this month and have the February clue done before the end of the month.  I've probably just jinxed myself with that statement.  I need to finish the bottom border and then add 2 rounds of simple strip borders if I remember correctly.  What looks like black in the photo is actually a very deep navy.  I'm really happy with how this one is coming together.  My fabric choices worked out well.  

6.  Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Continue making red blocks

I've finished 6 red blocks this month. I think that's a record.  I had to stop to cut more of the black triangle pieces.  Hopefully I can finish another 6 before the end of the month.  That would definitely make a dent in the number of blocks needed to finish off that color in the quilt.   

My list hasn't gotten any shorter, but I can say that there has been good progress on each project.  I'm on track with most of them.  Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt: For the Love of Fabric for To Do Tuesday.  


  1. we missed the snow which pleased me. Just 75 miles north of us got a bit. Sometimes we wish we had two design walls. I will be glad to get NYB off of mine to make room for others

  2. I am envious of the snow, I'd just like to see a big fat flake. I sound like a broken record, but I sure do like your Malted Mystery.

  3. Wow, you have made great progress indeed! I hope you have another very productive week.

  4. Lots of progress and those quilts are really coming together. I love that Grad Girl has "helped" with the design of the SAHRR. That is a good plan so she is sure to like the result. Love those diamonds in Round #3.

  5. Wow 3" . I bet the snow was pretty while it lasted. We had rain all weekend, but today the sun is shining. Woo Hoo! on getting last week's goals completed. You are tempting me with the "Betty" blocks They sure are pretty as are all of your projects. Enjoy time in the sewing room today. Hugs.

  6. Malted Mystery looks great! I really like the colors you have picked for that one. Good luck with your list this week, Kate!

  7. Everything is wonderful! You have so much going on how do you keep it all straight!

  8. All your sewing is looking really good. You’ve got some very pretty fabrics in the mix.

  9. Wish I had done the Malted Mystery. It is a great pattern, and I love blues!

  10. Wow, lots of lovely eye candy and lots of projects for you to keep busy. Love the colours in your MM!

  11. Ooh I love the dramatic red/black flying geese blocks!

  12. Always fun to see all the projects you have in the works, and they are all so pretty! Like Cheree, I like those bold flying geese!


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