
Sunday, February 25, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 8 of 2024

It's not been the best week. What I thought was a pinched nerve, isn't.  The doctor isn't sure what's wrong, but it's gone from bad to worse.  I wasn't able to walk at all Friday. Mobility improved throughout the day on Saturday.  So I worked on some embroidery stitching both days as I couldn't navigate the steps up to my sewing room.  With that I was able to maintain my stitching time for the week.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/February  = 24/24 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 55/55 days
  • Success rate = 100% 

I worked just a bit on my long term butterfly panel. 

Not a lot of progress, but enough to get in my 15 minutes of stitching time the days I couldn't make it to the sewing room.  I was able to navigate the stairs last night just before bed time to get in a shower. Fingers crossed I'll be able to get in some good stitching time today. 

The problems with my leg have limited my computer time a bit. I can't sit at my normal work station, any other location causes issues with my shoulder.  So till I get a better handle on the leg, I'm going to be behind on my blog reading and comment responses. Fingers crossed that state doesn't last too long.   

How did your stitching week work out? 

1. Gretchen
2. Julie in GA
3. Deb in Canada
4. Karen
5. DonnaleeQ
6. Jocelyn @CNN
7. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
8. Quilting Gail
9. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts
10. Shelina @ High Road Quilter
11. Bonnie in Va
12. Frédérique
13. Andrée
14. Celine @ Espritpatch

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  1. I hope your leg heals quickly so you can walk/climb stairs! It's nice you have your embroidery to work on, happy stitching!

  2. What a bummer that you are having to deal with that pain. Hope today is better!

  3. So sorry to hear about the pain you are having. I hope it continues to improve and that you can get back to normal soon. The butterflies are looking great! Congratulations on keeping up your 100% success rate.

  4. Kate, I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through that! Hopefully your doc will find an answer and be able to help. It's definitely nice to have hand stitching to work on at times when you can't get to the sewing machine. Done errands worry about not being able to comment or reply to comments! Just know there are lots of us out here sending you quilty hugs!

  5. Hi Kate, very sorry to hear about your malady and I too am hoping it improves/disappears real soon. Meanwhile I enjoyed seeing your cross stitched butterflies very much. Love long term projects. Take care now.

  6. I am so sorry to hear that this has been a rough week, Kate. I wish you a speedy recovery. Hopefully, you will be able to get answers soon as to what is wrong. Your embroidery looks amazing- love those butterflies. Enjoy your day.

  7. Oh no, Kate. Not good news. At least you did make it upstairs. Praying you feel better soon!

    Lovely cross stitch. Hand stitching saves us on our 15 min goal when the machine isn't an option.

  8. Oh no! I hope your leg pain disappears soon. That is awful way to spend your retirement time!

  9. Oh crumb! Or maybe even oh carp! Don't worry about keeping up with blog comments. Hopefully you can improve little by little. Don't you hate it when the doctors can't tell you what is wrong? The only positive I see is it forces you to work on the lovely butterflies. Take care.

  10. Sorry for your health issues, I hope you will feel better soon. Pretty butterflies, it's nice to have a project on the go easily reachable. Take care.

  11. Hope the leg improves soon. Nothing worse than losing your mobility. I'm glad out house doesn't have any stairs to navigate as we get older.

  12. Hi Kate, take care of yourself. At least the slow stitching is still an option.

  13. Oh no, I am way behind on blog reading and just saw this - hope that you’re feeling better and have figured out the issue by now.


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