
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 01/30/2024

Just one more day in January.  January is such a chill month, probably because the weather is so bad, no one does anything.  It always seems that the months go faster the deeper into the year we get. So though the weather this month has not been fun, there is a part of me that is sad that January is almost over.  

The weather has done a good job of keeping me in my sewing room.  Which means I did pretty well with checking off items on last week's to do list. 

To Do List for 1/23/2024

1. SAHRR: Add coping strips and first pieced border ✔

2. Betty: Assemble 9 blocks ✔

3. Indigo Way: Continue assembling blocks ✔

4. Malted Mystery: Continue working on the January clue ✔

5. Scrappy Butterflies: Send out for quilting - no progress

6. Wild and Goosey: Work on green blocks ✔

7. Chilhowie: Continue as leaders and enders project ✔

Check marks on six out of seven is definitely a good week. I'm caught up on both the SAHRR and Betty, the current quilt alongs. Fingers crossed I can do as well this week. The list is pretty much the same.  

To Do List for 1/30/2024

1. 2024 SAHRR (Quilting Gail): Make border #2

The prompt for border 2 as posted over at Anja Quilts, is pick two colors and do whatever you want.  I've worked out what the border is going to look like, but I'm still debating on the fabric to go with the black.  The gray, orange and black splatter print is more than 2 colors, so it probably won't be my choice for this border.  Same with the Argyle print. Though, it's my quilt and I've been known to bend the rules a bit.  But looking at my choices via EQ, it will likely be either the top or bottom fabrics.  

2. Betty (Meadow Mist Designs): Assemble 5 blocks

I'm playing along with the Just Two Charm Pack Quilts quilt along. Ten blocks are finished and I have two weeks to finish the remaining ten.  Hopefully I can whip out those 5 this week. I got behind and did 9 last week.  With 21 pieces per block, it takes a bit to put just one block together.  I've figured out my chain piecing pattern so I don't mix up the pieces, so those 5 should go together pretty painlessly. (Now I've just jinxed myself!) 

3. Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter): Continue assembling blocks.

Not as much progress here as I'd like, but since I was playing catch up with the current quilt alongs last week, it wasn't unexpected.  What's not up on the design wall is all the component parts that were sewn together last week, so there was more progress then what the picture shows.  I'm hoping to get the blocks done and the rows sewn together next month.  It may be slow going, but it would be nice if this mystery didn't take the path of the previous mysteries and end up in a box for a couple of years.  

4. Malted Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Finish January clue, start on the February clue. 

I finished all the sawtooth stars and have started on assembling the middle of the quilt.  This is the fun part where you get to see the design come together. So far I'm pretty happy with my fabric choices. We'll see if that holds when the February clue is revealed.  

5. Scrappy Butterflies (self designed): Send out for quilting.

This didn't happen last week as I wanted to make sure Trudy was willing and able to do the quilting.  She said yes, so it should go out this week. 

6. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Finish green blocks, start on what ever color SoScrappy announces as the February RSC color.  

I should finish 5 green blocks for the month.  That's not a bad total.  Next time I work on green, I'll need to cut some more scraps, there isn't much variety in what's left the bag.  The plan for this year is to just add to the pile of blocks. These blocks are just 3.5" and it will take a lot to make the design I have in mind.  So definitely a long term project.  

7. Chilhowie (Bonnie Hunter): Continue as leader and enders project

I'm still working on the last block for the 2022 BH mystery.  The leaders and enders approach is slow, but it at least keeps the project moving. I did so much better at keeping up with this year's mystery.  I may finish it before I finish this one.  

That's my list for this week.  It's ambitious, but not quite as ambitious as last week's list.  Almost half the number of Betty blocks and I decided on a very simple second border for the SAHRR.  We'll see if that helps in progress across the whole list.  Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt: For the Love of Fabric for To Do Tuesday.  


  1. Hopefully you didn't jinx yourself on Betty. ;) I sure like your colors on Malted Mystery. How long will it take Trudy to quilt Scrappy Butterflies?

  2. I'm always glad when January is over - one step closer to spring

  3. I think the SAHRR prompt this week is fun but challenging in that it leaves a lot of choice and decision up to you!

  4. I love those fun fabric choices you have for Border #2 for your SAHRR! Halloween colors are some of my favorites. And you're right - it's your quilt so you can do whatever you want! That's one of my favorite things about the SAHRR QAL.

  5. It all looks great. Indigo Way…wow…complicated pattern of triangles.

  6. It is super fun that you are doing Halloween colors for your SAHRR.

  7. The warm months have me so busy outside so I love how these winter months keep me in my sewing room. February means we're one month closer to that and I'm just not rested up from last year yet so I hope Feb goes slowly and snowly! Your quilts are all looking great and I too love that you've chosen to do a Halloween SAHRR!


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