
Monday, January 22, 2024

Progress on the Old and New

We had freezing rain overnight.  During dinner My Guy got a text from work, saying it was a delayed start this morning.  He woke up to a text that said work from home.  The road does look pretty much like a solid sheet of ice.  It's supposed to get above freezing before noon, we'll see if that happens.  It's these kind of days that make me appreciate being retired.  

I used the cold as an excuse to hang out in the sewing room a lot this weekend.  Though the cold is also really conductive to warm naps under a favorite quilt.  So that happened too.  Even with a couple of naps in there, there was good progress on Indigo Way, the 2023 Bonnie Hunter mystery


I'm a little under/little over halfway on these blocks.  I'd like to get the blocks finished this month. We'll see how that goes, there are two new quilt alongs in progress that I also need to make progress on. So those will be priority.  

In addition, I'm trying to keep up on finishing a few quilts this year.  The backing for the Scrappy Butterflies quilt was prepped last weekend. This weekend I got a good start on getting the top prepped. 

I'm about 80% done with the prep work of cleaning up loose threads and final pressing.  The rest of the clean up should get done today.  Then I need to find some batting and get it ready to ship out.  That should happen before the end of the month.  Scrappy Butterflies is one of my oldest projects, so it feels good to see it getting close to finished.  

Linking up with the Monday Design Wall and Patchwork & Quilts. Stay warm (or cool if you live down under) and have a great week. 


  1. I am lured into the living room for a nap almost every day.
    Your ice will probably stick around longer than the coating we got, since we are supposed to finally be above freezing starting today. Our schools are delayed for a couple hours, and I have read reports of "black ice". Makes us so glad we don't have to get up and go to work!

  2. You are a brave blogger to expose the back of a flimsy. (My pressing goes every which way. I make it work, LOL.) Rain in the forecast plus warmer temps will bring some ice.

  3. Nice to have a finish in the making. I was going to ask what you meant by prepping the back of the quilt, but then you explained. I haven't had a finish in so long I've forgotten all that you need to do. Hope you are staying warm.

  4. I'm hoping our temperature will increase rapidly - so far light rain and 29 but the deck was not frozen so far as it is light enough I can see the drops splashing. I hope it warms up fast for you - enjoy your day getting your quilt ready to send off

  5. I imagine your long armer loves to get quilts from you. Your cleanup is a necessary part of quilting especially if you have a light background fabric. Like your version of Indigo Way. Progress is definitely being made!

  6. I'm so glad that your guy was able to work from home today with the bad roads! That's also something we appreciate about retirement - we don't have to go out if we don't want to. Indigo Way is looking just great! I bet you're excited to get the Scrappy Butterflies quilted and finished, too. Have a great week, Kate!

  7. Cold weather is a good opportunity to sew a lot! As long as you stay warm and safe, it's nice. Great progress on BH mystery, and the back of Butterfly is beautiful! Great seams pressed open and flat!
    Thank you for sharing your work in progress.

  8. Oh yikes, freezing rain is scary. I'm glad your husband didn't have to get out on the roads on that this morning. And looks like you took full advantage of the weather from both a progress and rest standpoint!

  9. I think all that ice is worse than lots of snow. So dangerous! Your Indigo Way is looking beautiful. Mine is in it's project box for now - waiting for some inspiration as to how I want it to look in the end.

  10. Taking a nap or two snuggled under a cosy quilt sounds rather wonderful. It sounds freezing and dangerous if one was to venture outside. Indigo Way is looking superb!

  11. Ohh Ice - better to stay in!! and Stitch!! love your BH mystery!

  12. We have lucked out mostly by being in the snow or rain area, only had one evening of ice and we didn't have to be anywhere. Love how your mystery quilt blocks are coming along!


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