
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

To Do List for the Week of 12/5/2023

In addition to stitching this week, I finally made a serious start on my Christmas shopping and decorating.  All the wrapping stuff, paper, boxes, bags, tissue paper, has been pulled from it's various storage locations and assembled in Grad Girl's bedroom. The 3 foot tree is up and decorated.  That definitely went faster then the 6 foot tree I normally set up. Hopefully that means it will come down much faster. I ususally enjoy putting up the tree, but getting it down was always a chore (we won't discuss the longest I've ever left the tree up after the holiday).  So good progress there and surprisingly good progress on last week's quilty To Do List too. 

To Do List for 11/28/2023

1. Indigo Way: Start on clues 1 and 2 ✔ 

2. Malted Mystery: Finish clue 5 - progress

3. Scrappy Butterflies: Sew backing together ✔

4. Rhododendron Mystery: Work on pieced borders ✔

5. Wild and Goosey: Finish the orange blocks in process ✔

6. Chilhowie: Leaders and enders project ✔

7. Fabric organization: Cut/sort scraps and press fabrics ✔

To check off 6 of the 7, with progress on the 7th is a much better week than I expected. Last week's list was really too long.  Scrappy Butterflies and Wild & Goosey are going back into project boxes for a few weeks.  That should let me concentrate on the two active mysteries.  

To Do List for 12/05/2023

1. Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter): Continue working on clues 1 and 2, start clue 3

I've not used my tri-recs rulers in a while, but Bonnie gave really good reminders on how to use those in last week's instructions.  I haven't gotten very far with clue 2. I took it slow at first to be sure I had my seam allowances right.  I'm only making half the blocks for the mystery this year. I'm still working on clue 1 too, just over half the blocks for that clue are finished.  

2. Malted Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Finish clue 5 and start clue 6

I finally finished the second set of HSTs last week and have moved on to construting the partial blocks.  Hopefully those won't take as long and I'll have that done before clue 6 comes out on Thursday.  

3. Rhododendron Mystery (Bonnie Hunter): Finish the pieced borders

One pieced border is attached, so just three more to finish. The second border needs to be attached before I can measure for the strips needed for the last two. I also need to figure out how to piece the corners. Hopefully that's all doable this week.   

4. Melodic Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Make label, binding, trim quilt

I almost forgot about this project. It's so close to finished, it needs to go back on the list this week. It's not a large quilt, so hopefully it won't take that long to get it completely finished. 

5. Chilhowie (Bonnie Hunter): Leaders and enders project

Block 8 is almost finished. All the pieces are cut for block 9, so it will just continue moving along as work on this year's mystery takes priority.

6. Fabric Organization: Cut/sort scraps and press fabrics

Now that I've got some momemtum on this, I really don't want to stop.  I may not do as much this week, but every little bit helps. 

It's still probably too long of a list for good progress on every project, but I'm so close to milestones on several projects, I don't want to stop on those.  We'll see how it goes this week. My Guy is on a business trip this week, so I'll have most of my evenings to stitch.  

Linking up for To Do Tuesday over at The Quilt Schmilt: For the Love of Fabric.  Good luck with your to do list this week (both the quilty and the holiday).  


  1. Sounds like you had a really productive week last week. I hope the momentum continues and you have a great time working on your goals this week, too.

  2. Taking the tree down is never the fun part of the holidays, lol! I got a smaller tree last year, too, so that does make it all go faster. Looks like you're making progress on all your projects. I love the pretty variety of colors you're working with for each one!

  3. I'm sure it feels good to have the decorating and shopping/wrapping under control. I love having the tree up and hate taking it down too.

    Looks like you are ready to sew. I'm not much for pinning, except for when I know seams or points need to match perfectly.

  4. Great fabrics for your Bonnie Mystery!
    And yay on a fast tree - we are having to forgo the tree this year... the puppy would probably eat it!!!!
    Hmmm I am guessing Valentine day was how long the one tree stayed up???

  5. You have been staying busy, Kate. I agree taking down the tree is my least favorite part. I haven't started pulling out the wrapping paper and bags out. I better start soon, though the grandbabes have already spotted a stack of boxes covered up. Eeh! Gorgeous fabrics you are using in all of your projects. I wish you a very productive weekend. Hugs.


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