
Sunday, December 3, 2023

Stitching Stuff: Week 47 of 2023


I'm never ready for December.  I just never seem to get to all things I had planned to finish before the end of the year.  But to put a positive spin on that, it's also the month to start planning for 2024 and theoretically have the chance to make up for where you fell short this year (funny how it rarely works out that way).  One area that has worked out well for me this year is my stitching time, this week was another good one.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Nov = 24/30 days
  • 15 minute days/Dec = 2/2 days
  • 15 minute days/2023 = 284/336 days
  • Success rate = 84.52% 

Not a perfect year on the stitching front, but anything over 75% is stellar in my eyes. I've had years where my stitching time is over 90%, but it takes a lot of discipline to maintain that.  I may up my stitching time goal for 2024. We'll see, it worked out well this year.  We used to do stretch goals at work, Thankfully they aren't required at home! 

There was a bit of sewing room clean up this week. 

Scrap bag #1 is just a bit less stuffed. It's hard to tell because when I pull out some of those long strips, it fluffs up the rest of the scraps.  I didn't do much scrap processing this week because the fabric to be pressed bin had another 8 yard cut that needed to be pressed. 

The print on white in the top photo was the 8 yard piece and the floral on white below it was 5 yards. I'm glad to have both pressed and ready to use. But that took almost 2 hours to do both.  That's one reason the fabric bin as been so full for so long. It's hard to take time from stitching to do those chores. But I'm determined to spend my weekend morning sewing room time working on both scraps and getting my yardage organized.  The to be pressed bin is now just half full. I think what's left is all 3 and 4 yard cuts. Not bad progress considering I've missed some weekends due to traveling and the holiday.  

How are you doing at getting in some stitching time and/or doing some end of the year sewing room clean up? 

1. Frédérique
2. Gretchen
3. maggie f
4. Karen
5. Another Stitching Nana
6. DonnaleeQ
7. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
8. Jennifer in Indy
9. Bonnie in Va
10. Laurie - Laurie's Place
11. Quilting Gail

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  1. Your numbers for 2023 are pretty good, and it is nice to have some visible work done in the sewing room. Thank you for motivating us!

  2. Organizing scraps doesn't show much progress but it always makes me feel good to know it's happening! Someday you'll get to the bottom of the tub and that is really cause for celebration! Happy scrapping!

  3. Nice progress on your scraps! I am not organized or ready for Christmas at all. We didn't even draw names when all the kids were here! All I want to do is play in my sewing room, but things keep interrupting my fun, like laundry and conference football championships and cooking! :D

  4. sticking to the scraps like you have is impressive - great work on the stitching numbers

  5. Pressing fabric still counts as sewing in my book. I don't love pressing large pieces either. God job cleaning the sewing room.

  6. You always do a really good job of making a plan and sticking with it, Kate! Deciding that certain times in your sewing room are going to be dedicated to organizing scraps or pressing yardage is a really good idea. Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday!

  7. Good morning, dear Kate. I think you have done an amazing job this year You have been staying busy with some fabulous projects. And I am inspired by you tackling your scraps bins and getting organized. I have had to take a break on my scraps bins since all of the Christmas decor is out.But I am making plans for the new year . Have a great day. Hugs.

  8. Pretty great year for you, glad you have exceeded your goals and are getting to the tasks you don't love...those are always the hardest to do!

  9. I'd say getting 13 yards pressed and folded is a big achievement. I think I got a 3 yard piece done for which I am very happy. Hum, stitching time? I think I sewed every day some longer than others. Today it was a marathon to finish a couple of costumes. (Or at least we are calling them costumes!)


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