
Monday, October 30, 2023

Setting Triangles and a Clean Up

 We went from the 80's last weekend to the 40's this weekend. Plus it was rainy and windy.  It was perfect sewing room weather. I finally bit the bullet and cut out the setting tringles for Rhododendron, crossing my fingers that I had the correct measurements.  Based on how it's going together I got it right.  

I'm just about halfway done with the construction.  So far, so good.  Bonnie used flying geese in a pieced border. I'm going to do that too, but a little differently than what she did.  I should pull those out of the project box and see how many there are. A few more may be needed to execute my design.  

I would have made more progress on Rhododendron but most of Sunday was spent cleaning up and pressing the Melodic Mystery quilt top. 

There were quite a few loose threads on the back.  But it wasn't too hard to clean up. 


I found a batting, now I just need to find a box so Melodic Mystery can go to Trudy for quilting.  That's on the to do list for the upcoming week.  

Linking up with Monday Design Wall and Patchwork & Quilts.  


  1. Setting triangles always make me nervous too. But the results are so worth the extra measuring.

  2. Setting triangles look good, that would be a big relief to me to get those right. Good luck finding a box - lol!

  3. Pretty setting triangles, and I love the thin purple sashings. So elegant!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up ;)

  4. Rhododendron looks great, Kate! I always over estimate those setting triangles and have to trim a bunch off, which is wasteful. It's always a good feeling to get that part all finished!

  5. Congratulations on getting Melodic Mystery ready to go; I know that's a step you don't like. And the Rhododendron quilt top is looking really nice as it comes together!

  6. Good news getting your quilt off for quilting. Rhododendron is looking good. I hope it goes together easier than my Jericho Walls did. I’ve done on point settings before, but that one had me confused for some reason. Love your color combination.

  7. Your Rhododendron quilt is looking amazing. Lots of pieces in this beauty. I wish you a very productive week on this beauty.

  8. Such a pretty quilt!
    Sorry for the weather changes - but yay for sewing time!!


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