
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

To Do List for the Week of 9/19/2023

Hard to believe that more than half of September is in the books.  Looking at what's on my calendar, the end of the year will come really quickly.  Consequently my to do lists are getting longer.  Last week's list was up to six items, which makes it harder to check off the entire list.    

To Do List for 9/12/2023

1. Unity (Helianthus): Make label, binding, finish - progress

2. Macaron Mystery: Prep quilt top for quilting - no progress

3. Scrappy Butterflies: Finish top assembly 

4. Malted Mystery: Continue to work on clue 3 

5. Wild and Goosey: Make 2 teal blocks - progress

6. Chilhowie: Continue as leader and ender 

Three check marks with progress on 2 others is really not a bad week at all. My goal is to just keep projects moving closer to finished.  With that in mind, this week's list is going to look pretty similar.  

To Do List for 9/19/2023

1. Unity/Helianthus (Bonnie Hunter): Finish quilt, photograph


Three corners of the quilt are stitched down. Just one more long side to that fourth corner.  I'm excited to finish Unity. It was one of those projects that I just struggled to get moving on. A lot of that was due to where I was mentally last year.  I'll be glad to mark this one off the to do list.  The plan is to get photographs over the weekend and give Unity it's own blog post on Monday.  

2. Macaron Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Prep top for quilting.

This was on last week's to do list, but I'd forgotten just how much effort goes into finishing off a quilt, so I choose to focus on Unity and Scrappy Butterflies to move those to finished quilt and finished top respectively.  Unity should be finished today, so I can concentrate on getting the next project out for quilting so there will be a finish for next month.  

3. Scrappy Butterflies (self designed): Finish adding border(s)

I'm still undecided on the border(s) for this quilt.  It's already larger than I wanted, but finishing out the Irish Chain pattern really makes the quilt.  My EQ file shows three borders, but that may become just one.  I'd really like to keep the size down on this one.  

4. Malted Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Continue to work on clue 3

One set of HSTs have been finished and the second set of HSTs is in progress.  The Sister block is almost finished.  Next up is the Plus blocks.  I'm on track to be ready for clue 4 when it comes out next month.  

5. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Make 2 teal blocks

I started one block last week, but didn't quite get it finished.  The goal is to make what I can each month to move this project along.  I've not decided yet if this project will become a focus for next year or if it will stay a make a few blocks a month project.  I have older rainbow scrap projects that are closer to finished then this one.  So those may be the focus for next year.  

6. Chilhowie (Bonnie Hunter): Continue as leader and ender project

Block 7 is still under construction, but it's coming along. Hopefully it's a finish by the end of the month.  That leaves just 2 more to finish. I doubt I have this quilt assembled before this year's mystery gets started, but having the blocks done means a quicker finish for next year.  

So another long to do list for this week.  Fingers crossed I can check off most of them before next week's post. Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt: For the Love of Fabric for this week's To Do Tuesday.  


  1. Impressive list! I can't wait to see Unity, as well as your butterfly one. Oh heck I can't wait to see all your projects! :D

  2. Wow…big list, but I am impressed how you are just chipping away at it. Beautiful projects!

  3. Lots of progress on your lists. I have sort of given up on BH quilts for awhile. I love looking at them, but I get behind then I get depressed. So, my main focus is to finish the quilts I have started. Phew! That’s a chore. I’m excited to see Unity. It was one I considered. Looking forward to your finish.

  4. Hi Katie! You did great this week with three checkmarks. Your projects are large ones so they take more time to earn a checkmark. I'm looking forward to seeing Unity finished, too. Just one more corner to turn! Woot woot. You'll be there in no time at all. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Looks like a great week of progress and the potential for a rewarding week this week, too. I always get excited when quilts make it to major milestones and you have several that are at those points!

  6. All of your projects are beautiful. Can't wait to see Unity finished (bet you can't either!). I've been struggling with my 3 finishes right now and I'm just ready to move on. Only one way to do that, right??

  7. You always have such a great list of projects to work on , Kate. Wishing you a very productive week. Hugs.


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