
Sunday, August 13, 2023

Stitching Stuff: Week 31 of 2023

It's been a pretty uneventful week around here.  We've had some really short lived, but strong storms over the last week. Heavy rain and lots of lightening.  Typically August is our dry season.  The heat is still here, so with all the rain it's like drinking air it's so humid.  I've mostly stayed in the house. You'd think I'd be hiding out in the sewing room, but I'm still trying to get Unity prepped for quilting. I can't work on it for long or else my back starts hurting.  I couldn't face it Friday, so this week wasn't quite as good on the stitching front as the last couple have been. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/August = 11/12 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 188/224 days
  • Success rate = 83.93%
My goal is to stitch at least 75% of the time, so I'm doing fine on that front.  Fingers crossed Unity is off the sewing table tomorrow and I can move on to something else. 

How was your stitchy week? 

1. Julie in GA
2. maggie f
3. Karen
4. DonnaleeQ
5. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
6. Shasta @ High Road
7. Frédérique
8. Quilting Gail
9. Amanda

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  1. So glad you got some rain, even if it was brief. August is almost 1/2 over, then I can begin to believe autumn might actually come this year. Sorry about your back!

  2. Good luck finishing the prep work on Unity. I know you'll be glad to get that done. We've had quite a few storms here too, and even cut a grocery shopping trip short because the skies were so threatening. Your numbers are looking very good!

  3. us too more rain than normal for August. The temperatures are finally starting to drop a little bit and a cold front when we help one or our daughters out in moving on Tuesday and Wednesday that will feel nice!

  4. I've heard that humidity called "air you can wear!" Take good care of your back - Unity is almost there. Have a great Sunday!

  5. It's been hot and humid here too. You are doing great on the stitching front. I look forward to seeing your finished Unity!

  6. You did great with your stitching time, and I hope your back is not hurting too much now.

  7. Sorry to hear the back is still causing you grief. Can't stand humid weather give me dry heat any day.


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