
Friday, June 2, 2023

May Wrap Up: PHD in 2023

In 2020, 2021, and 2022 my focus was on finishing up UFOs.  I limited my new projects to just 2 or at most 3 each year.  Last year work was really overwhelming, so much so that I lost interest in pretty much everything other than reading and binging on Netflix.  Since I retired at the end of last year, I decided to open up my new project list to more than just 2.  I also joined a guild, which has also added to my new project list. Honestly, I didn't expect that.  At any rate, I can safely say that the first half of 2023 has been all about new projects as my PHD report shows. 

I have finished two of my new starts, both related to the guild which was my donation blocks and a name tag.  

We are supposed to make a pin cushion for the June meeting.  I'm probably going to pass on that one as my newest project has a deadline of early July. I'll need to focus my efforts on that project or it won't be ready.  The only UFOs that have seen any progress are both Bonnie Hunter patterns, Chilhowie and Wild & Goosey.  

Chilhowie is the 2022 Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt along. It's my current leaders and enders project.  Block 4 was finished and block 5 is under construction during May.  I'm more than half way done with the blocks.  

Wild & Goosey is slowly growing.  The goal is to make at least 4 of the 3.5" blocks each month.  Three orange blocks were completed this month.  Dark/bright blue is the color for June.  I can't use really dark blue because it blends in too much with the black, so bright blue it is for this month.  

There has been progress on the new projects this month. 


The pinwheels for border 6 of the Stay at Home Round Robin quilt started in January are all finished (Quilting Gail).  I've started assembling these blocks into border strips.  I'm really happy with how this project has come together, just not with the amount of time it's taken for me to get it to this stage.  

Blocks 4 and 5 for Diatom were finished in May. Block 11 came out last week. This is a Quilting Jetgirl pattern and quilt along. I'm hoping to finish blocks 6 and 7 before block 12 comes out next Friday.  This has been such a fun project and I'm really happy with how my fabric choices are working out.  

The one new start in May is for a blog hop to show off the quilts in Cheryl Brickey of Meadow Mist Designs new book Just Two Charm Pack Quilts


Electric Quilt is sponsoring a giveaway of this book (closes on June 4th). The link includes a link to all the quilts in the book. I've picked the pattern to make for the blog hop. I'm making my own charm pack since precuts don't usually make their way into my fabric carts. Thankfully my stash is more than sufficient to provide enough squares for 2 charm packs.  I've started cutting my charm pack, just three fabrics left and then the piecing can start. 

That's my progress for May. I'm going to shift my focus to finishing after June. Once I get the SAHRR to finished flimsy, I'll have three quilts that need backs and prepping for quilting. My focus for July will be to get those quilts sent out for quilting.  

Linking up with Quilting Gail for the May PHD report.  


  1. I'm intrigued by the idea of making your own charm pack! Are you picking fabrics from your stash that will work well together in a quilt from Cheryl's book? I'll look forward to seeing what you do with that!

  2. Those PHDs are all lovely and will be so worth the time invested in them. It's amazing how easy it is to be distracted by new projects. You've been very disciplined about just focusing on things already in progress.

    I see that Angela has "edited" her RSC post to light blue and light green. Works perfectly for me to revisit blue as I have so much. Same with green.

  3. Your fabric choices for Diatom are fantastic and the blocks are looking great. It's such a treat to get to see your blocks all together. :)

  4. Your projects are all gorgeous! As I read your post, it just seemed I kept saying, “this is my favorite. No it’s this one.” Bottom line, they are all my favorite. :D

  5. I purchased an autographed copy of "Just two charm packs'. It came with 2 of her patterns. That just added two more to my list.

  6. Great progress in May! I agree being in the guild had provided MORE projects, not less. Donation blocks and items to swap. Luckily one of my guilds provides our nametags. Your nametag is terrific!!! Congratulations on the retirement, I was starting a new project at work and didn't keep up with anyone this year. Love seeing the progress on your PHD's, they are all lovely! Have a terrific June.

  7. Great progress and projects! Congratulations on your retirement. And yes, our guilds can definitely keep us busy! Enjoy your summer!

  8. Lots of progress happening!!
    I had to laugh when you said that joining a guild led to more projects! YUP ... it certainly does!!
    The Bonnie Hunter quilts are looking great! They are always a TON of work!
    Thanks for linking to PHD in 2023 May Report!
    Quilting Gail

  9. Yes, sewing with others helps us (if it is a help) to start new projects. Blogging does for me as well. It is SO FUN THOUGH!
    I love all of your current projects! Seeing completed blocks multiply and then placed next to others is so rewarding.

  10. Love those diatom blocks - they are really striking all together! Good luck on the finishing and prep for quilting in July!

  11. You made great progress on lots of fronts and I think your guild name tag is beautiful! We have to wear our name tags at guild. If we forget it, we pay 25 cents and get the old "Hi! My Name Is ..." sticker tag. Ugh! Hahaha! When is your day for the blog hop? I missed the giveaway but the quilts are adorable. Speaking as a Pisces, I love the Fish Quilts! Hope your June is showing great progress on your PHD.


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