
Monday, June 26, 2023

Making Progress

It definitely feels like summer.  I keep moving my morning walk earlier and earlier because once the sun is up, it gets warm fast!  The heat has definitely been one reason I've spent so much time in the sewing room this week. So there's been good progress on several projects.  

Diatom (Quilting Jetgirl) block 8 is finished.  

I've really enjoyed working on this project.  Block 9 is now in the works. 

The last borders were added to the SAHRR.

This was my first try at the SAHRR. I'm really happy with how it came out.  This becomes my third finished quilt top for the year. My plan for July is to concentrate on getting quilts prepped and sent out for quilting. 

So not a bad week on the progress front. Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.  


  1. Your SAHRR is a masterpiece! You are at least walking, I'm not even doing my stepper inside the house. This kind of weather just bogs me down mentally, even though I am sitting in AC all day long. I am LONGING for fall!

  2. An excellent quilting week; I do enjoy getting to see your Diatom blocks come together! The SAHRR looks fantastic, and it will be pretty exciting to have several quilts sent out for quilting next month.

  3. The SAHRR is beautiful, Kate! It will be so fun to see it quilted!

  4. I really love how this turned out. It has such a crisp, fresh look.

  5. Fabulous! The border is the perfect choice to finish this amazing original design quilt!

  6. I am in love with your SAHRR--!!! You did a wonderful and patience job of making this one--now to see how your quilter quilts it--!!!
    hugs, di

  7. A great stitching week! Your SAHRR is lovely, congratulations on its finish! I love the blue block also.
    Thank you for sharing your week, and linking up ;)

  8. Oh, to have some sun with lots of heat in it. Your SAHRR is beautiful.

  9. Nice!1Those are both amazing!!! and glad you are up to walking!! I hope that is helping the back some

  10. Congrats on the SAHRR finished top - the quilt colors and design are really great!


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