
Saturday, May 27, 2023

Week 72 Photo Challenge: Something Breaking

I detoured to Oklahoma City on my way back from Texas to spend some time with my Mom.  I finally made it home late Thursday.  Yesterday was spent unpacking and doing a bit of laundry.  It was late afternoon before I remembered this week's photo challenge. 

I really tried to get pictures of the "breaking" in progress. That didn't work out so well, this was the best I could manage. 

Kate: Breaking Bits

I like that rainbow on the CD. So maybe not the best photo to meet the challenge, but it's what I ended up with.  I'll have to see how My Guy and Grad Girl take it.  They don't see any photos but their own till I finish the post. That's been part of the fun.  

My Guy went after a slightly different take on "breaking". 

My Guy: The Breaking of the Day

I think he pretty much nailed it this week. Definitely the prettiest photo of the bunch.  

Grad Girl had to work the last part of the week to make up for the time she took off earlier in the week, so of course her image comes from the lab. 

Grad Girl: Breaking Plates

This is a thin layer chromatography plate.  She uses this technique as a quick way to determine how well her reactions worked.  If you look closely you'll see a white blur at the end of the plate in her fingers, that's silica breaking off from the plate.  So she did get an action photo of the breaking. 

The "Something Breaking" is the last card in the photo prompt deck.  This has been such a fun challenge for us, both in getting the photos and in seeing everyone's reaction to them. Some weeks we did really well, some weeks we were a little lame.  But that's been part of the fun.  Grad Girl has especially enjoyed the challenge because it's been one thing we can do as a family long distance.  She wasn't ready for the challenge to end, so she found the add on deck.  Now we have another 72 cards to play with.  My Guy drew the first card from the new deck. 

My Guy is already thinking of umbrella shaped plants. Next week's post should be interesting.  (Watch us all wimp out and end up with photos of just simple umbrellas!)


  1. I'm glad you're going to be able to continue your photo challenges! I can see how that would be fun for all of you. I enjoy seeing what you all come up with each week, too!

  2. Wonderful shots, and I’m so glad you’re continuing on. I like this idea of doing something together while apart.

  3. Oh yay you're going to keep it up! I have to say I think your Guy wins this week - I had not thought of a sunrise for "breaking" - very clever.

  4. Your husband's photo is definitely pretty, but I think yours is my favorite one this week.

  5. I have enjoyed watching the challenge photos too! So glad it will continue!

  6. Three fun photos, I pick your for this week!


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