
Monday, May 15, 2023

From Start to Finish

I would think that being retired would mean that Mondays are just another day of the week. But I'm still not fond of Monday. Probably my own fault. I take the weekend off from doing any chores, but Monday means a return to my housekeeping to do list.  

It was a nice weekend. My Guy took Friday off and we had a really nice date day. He treated me to a new recipe for Mother's Day.

So I got maple walnut scones for breakfast. They taste like a maple bar from the donut shop. I had to have two because they were so good. I'm going to need to walk a lot this week to keep up with my weight loss goals after being spoiled like that.  

Most of my weekend sewing time was spent making my guild name tag.  First step was to raid the scrap bins for the component parts.

The periodic table and teal weave fabrics are left over from the chemistry quilt I made for Grad Girl.  I remember the quilt that the dark blue comes from, but I'd have to dig to find out which quilt I used that tone on tone white.  I decided to paper piece the coffee cup, 3.5 X 3.5 means that some of those handle pieces are really small.

I didn't take any in progress photos. Here's the end result. 

It's not perfect, but it came out OK.  My embroidery skills are a bit rusty. I was wishing that Grad Girl was around, she's much better at that skill. The tag is a bit long, I wish I'd shortened the top half a little.  But it's finished and it will work for the intended purpose.  I found the lanyard in the junk drawer in the laundry room and the silver hanging bracket in my sewing supply cabinet. 

This is my first finish for the year.  At some point, I need to get back to finishing a few things, but I've got one more new start with a deadline before I move back to finishing off some of the older things on my list.  Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.   


  1. when I first stopped working every day seemed like it was the weekend to me :) I had so much time I was making up lists of everything I wanted to do. Gradually you do seem to get used to it but now everyday is the same and I don't quite like that either.

  2. I like the nametag! Thanks for the reminder--my guild nametag could stand to be refreshed. I like the mug in the maple scone picture. Is there a story behind it?

  3. That name tag turned out so cute! My guild name tag needs some repair, as one of the applique letters is coming loose.

  4. How lovely of your husband to make you such a delightful breakfast on Sunday. Congratulations on finishing up your name tag!

  5. The name tag turned out very cute. And those scones...oh my. Those look delicious!

  6. Ooh, yum on the maple scone! I love your name tag, too. Of course it needed chemistry fabric!

  7. I rather love Mondays now. Both my husband and I are retired so it seems every day's a holiday. =) Those maple walnut scones sound delicious. Nice your husband spoilt you and took Friday off work so you could enjoy the day together. Cut guild name tag.

  8. Sweet treat for Mother's Day, this scone looks yummy! Well done with your tag name, it's fun to relate some fabrics to previous projects!
    Thank you for sharing this pretty first finish, and linking up!

  9. Walnut maple scones - yum! What a great idea, making your own name tag. I'm going to keep that in mind for our group.

  10. Maple scones that taste like maple bars? Yum! That guild name tag turned out really cute.

  11. Those scones look amazing! And the name tag is great - it will have plenty of room for pins to be added - don’t know if your guild does that, but mine wound up with a lot - recognition for participation in challenges or donation activities, show pins and then just other random ones that people hand out.


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