
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Week 64 Photo Challenge: Something Abstract

It's been an interesting 24 hours, we had wind gusts close to 60 miles an hour for most of yesterday afternoon along with grass fires.  One neighborhood had to evacuate late yesterday afternoon due to the fast spreading fire. The smoke in town was so bad pretty much everyone had a headache.  There were some houses destroyed outside of town, but so far we've faired much better then the communities that experienced the severe storms yesterday.  Hope everyone is safe and well.  

As seems to be typical, all three of us went in different directions for our photos for this week's challenge. 

I tried a few different things and finally went back to one of my photography lessons for inspiration. 

Kate: Impressions of Spring

It looks a bit like an impressionist water color.  I'm not really a fan of camera blur, but this image fits the bill for this week's challenge. I do like that blue sky, it really makes the green stand out.  I took this photo about an hour before the smoke got really bad in town.  There was no blue two hours later, the sky was pretty much gray/white everywhere. 

My Guy went with an extreme close up as his image for this week.

My Guy: Lichen It (#2)

I like the white/gray monotone with the "blobs" of yellow.  My Guy was worried that we'd both take the same type of photo.  Definitely didn't work out that way.   

Grad Girl's photo is really abstract.  

Another photo from the lab.  If she hadn't told me what it was, I would not have guessed.  We didn't have fancy instruments like this when I was doing melt points 30 years ago.  Definitely a modern vibe to this photo.  

So what's the theme for next week?

My Guy definitely has the advantage on this topic, he has a minor in astronomy. He's very practiced in night sky photography.  I'm going to need to get my camera book out and skip a few sections to study up on how to get photos under those conditions.  


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the grass fire. It seems we're all having wind and that brings the wildfires way too early! I enjoyed seeing all your different takes on "something abstract." That blue sky with tree branches and the hint of green is really pretty!

  2. Glad you guys are coming through the storms okay. It’s been a weird winter weather-wise (awesome alliteration). The photos are fun, as always. Looking forward to seeing how your night sky photos turn out.

  3. Wow, your camera blur does look just like a painting - that is worth framing!
    Gosh wildfires are no fun - hate to hear about that. The weather forecast today is storms but also fire danger warnings - ugh.

  4. That’s scary about the fires - hope that not too many people were impacted and the smoke cleared quickly. Love all three pictures this week, you each have a great eye!


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